Monday, October 15, 2007
Thesis 142
Who then has given authority to a Bible that contradicts Jesus when it has already been given to Jesus before the Bible was constructed? Certainly not God. For, He has already given ALL authority to His Son before the world came into existence and in no place has He indicated there should be an authoirty of scripture appended to the authority of the Word that became flesh.
The Bible is an example of arrogant men usurping the pre-eminent role of Christ as King, Christ as Teacher, Christ as Saviour and Christ as the Canon.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thesis 141
On the one hand we have a testimony given to us by sinners of a warring God who instructs His creation to disobey His first commandment by striking down men, women and children in cold blood, which is a lie from the pit.
On the other hand we have a testimony given to us by a person who is not a sinner who has commanded us, on the pain of His own death on the cross as the Son, to obey the first commandment and NOT kill each other; not with the sword, nor with the words of sinners.
The split personality of God created by a man-made Bible will split the personality of those who worship it and they will become like the Pharisee who was utterely divided between the law and grace, but who eventually evoked the law to kill Jesus.
God does not have a split personality. His personality is Jesus; only Jesus Christ.
Thesis 140
The Bible gives canonical status to all who ever came before Jesus, whom He describes as thieves and robbers but the sheep didn't listen to the canon.
For centuries the church has been listening to the canon of thieves and robbers instead of obeying the plea of God to honour Christ and honour His words.
To honour the Bible is to dishonour the Son who died for the pre-eminence of His own voice.
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Bible - a millstone placed on Christ's shoulders
It is hard not to feel pity for Christians after looking briefly at the historical development of orthodoxy in church life; of a community of people so disconnected from the author of their faith and so disjointed in their thinking about the essential character, will and mind of God, that whenever there is a ‘free’ discussion about the Lordship of Christ immediately one is overcome by the spiritual oppression of Rome.
Whatever Jesus came to do you can be certain that man has very studiously and busily made a very complex religion out of it since. The experience of God is a simple affair but immediately when the Romans got a sniff of people worshipping Jesus instead of their warring and angry God they applied the rules of faith like a tourniquet as soon as expediently possible, to stem the flow of Christ’s healing blood and congeal it with the doctrinal straightjacket of half-wits and Spiritless authoritarians. Rome had established itself with the iron foot of canonical authority long before the Gospel message penetrated the heartlands of their political influence, but when it did, they immediately set about transplanting their iron feet onto the ecclesiastical body of authority that was already clad with the clay feet of the Old Testament. Before the sapling church could grow in Christ they crushed it to death literally, spiritually, theologically, economically, ecclesiastically, with the wine press of a Roman way of thinking that was almost kith and kin to the Old Testament way of thinking. Jesus got dumped as the authoritative voice from Heaven the moment the Bible was compiled. Nice one Rome, but don’t think you can celebrate much longer.
As a result of fundamental errors in understanding the role and purpose of Christ the church suffered an early imprisonment to the thoughts and traditions of men instead of to the words and teachings of Christ. An imprisonment that expresses itself in the many denominations that have arisen since in which membership of a rigid formulaic system of belief is a prerequisite for acceptance, which is a process entailing attitudes and beliefs that are often at odds with its pioneering origins. Christ is sidelined, orthodoxy is rigidly imposed by an authority that Christ has not endorsed.
Not even Brian McLaren, writing in the parlance of next wave orthodoxy, under the title of ‘A Generous Orthodoxy’ could get his head around the source of the problem.
A problem it most certainly is. My contention is that the Bible is the problem. A book that presents Christ as a product of culture rather than One who brought the law in word and in the flesh that challenges the culture of men who came before and after Him. The Law, reflected by the Prophets who tried unsuccessfully to champion the Law, came as a living testimony of it, requesting politely that we listen to His voice and none other.
What the Romans did, by stuffing Jesus in the Bible, was to 1> Disobey Christ 2> Twist His words to mean something that He never intended.
The root problem of Christian theology is that it has been constructed using a bastardised foundation stone. Consequently the whole structure of Church life sits uncomfortably on top of a rubble of words canonised insolently by architects under Roman patronage who later enjoyed fiscal and political benefits connected with the anti-Christ like system of ecclesiastical authority and control. Their very actions demonstrated they didn’t have a clue what Jesus meant about Him being the cornerstone.
The word ‘Roman’ stands for the culture and ideas of a band of thugs who chucked out the Etruscans, who set up a dynasty in Rome, and then expanded by creating wars with its neighbours, then by writing laws and canons to subjugate their newly annexed lands, then by punishing recalcitrants who expressed a personal wish not to be collectivised or 'catholicised' by the State. This is a pattern that repeated itself in the administration and development of their bonehead ideas about a catholic church under the see of Rome. They hijacked Christian belief for their own egotistical purposes and chucked out Jesus as the Priest of His own church.
My advice to any believer who is confused about the way the Old Testament presents a testimony of God’s character that is wholly different to the testimony that Christ brought is to read very carefully ‘Beyond Christ Authority is Evil - 96 Theses’.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Tract - Love rejected
The idea that God instructs His children to kill each other is based on a revelation of Him that later caused men to believe they were serving God when they killed Jesus. When He rose again, it was a vindication of the parable of the weeds and the wheat.
It is supplied as an A4 pdf file. Print both sides, cut to A5 and you should end up with 2 x 4pp A6 tract.
Sample text: judicially killing fellow citizens in theatres of war. To teach our children the good principle of violence by lifting up murderers as heroes, not only gives society a worse prospect for peace but also encourages souls to choose being weeds’..
You can download this tract as a PDF from
Tract - State Ticket to Nowhere
It is supplied as 2 A4 pdf files. Print the A4 sheet with side a and back it up with side b. Fold the sheet 3 times to form a 8 page A8 booklet. Staple along the fold and trim top and side.
Sample text:
...God has made himself known to the world with a testimony about himself from his own lips. There is no mystery about his appearance 2000 years ago, about our attempt to kill him which failed, and about his appearance in the age to come. What Jesus said about himself and his relationship with you is the truth that will stand forever and are based on words from a Creator who made us in his image and whose words can be trusted because they are not fickle, based on dreams like State dogma.
You can download side A as PDF from
You can download side B as PDF from
Tract - The Hypcrosy of War
It is supplied as 2 pdf files, side Aand side B of an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet A one side and B the other, then fold to form a 16pp A8 booklet, staple and trim.
Sample text:
....It is the sound of liturgy and doctrines that have been propping up the Church & State apparatus since the day when that diabolical Roman Emperor Constantine claimed his bloody military success was due to the prayers of Christians. In the coronation language of our first Saxon Kings who surrendered themselves to ceremonies devised by blind church leaders, the intoxicating wine of Old Testament thinking is served up in a liturgy that calls on Zadok no less.....
You can download side A as PDF from
You can download side B as PDF from
Tract - Future - a fantasy
It is supplied as 2 pdf files, side A and side B of an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet A one side and B the other, then fold to form an 8pp A6 leaflet
Sample text:
....betrayed their writings as, at best, wish fulfillment, the root of wobbly theory. Their writings have been given canonical status in universities to ensure the world is taught from the perspective of an imagined authority or ‘rule of measurement’ based on a rag bag of scruffy ideas, wild speculations and wobbly theories. In a world that has no specific canon other than relativism in which the mysterious spectacle of an utopian future devoid of black and white, right and wrong, good and evil, is repeatedly referred to as concrete reality, the future could not be more grim. The legacy of their writings form the basis of today’s teaching establishments training children to believe in half-baked truths about a new world order controlled by people who believe they have emanated from chimpanzees
You can download side A as PDF from
You can download side B as PDF from
Tract - Why in God's name?
It is supplied as 2 pdf files, side A and side B of an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet A one side and B the other, then 'Z' fold to form a 6pp 1/3rd A4 leaflet
Sample text:
....Predatory institutions that inscribe the cult hero worship of mass destruction on the tombstones and war memorials of our national consciousness are no different from those that murder the innocent in war. The hero worship of mass destruction is most horrible. Doing horrible things to one another is not sanctioned by our hero worship nor is it officially justified by the ethics committee of the State who maintain our tombs and shrines of war.
The light of mankind is so darkened by shadows cast by the totem poles, sacred cows and marble altars that give tribute to people who have killed and maimed through the ages that it is not surprising the language of our art, education and politics has become so encrusted with the idea of killing each other that even Church leaders have succumbed to it..
Download Side A from A.PDF
Download Side A from B.PDF
Tract - To Kill with a Cause is to Deny God's Love
It is supplied as an A4 pdf file. Print both sides, cut to A5 and you should end up with 2 x 4pp A6 tract.
Sample text:
....Here’s the plot. Someone expresses love. Some of those present who saw it were angry, while others said nothing. Those that were angry needed to ‘justify’ their anger with a reference to the poor. In the case of Judas his anger translated into action. He later joined up with the religious hypocrites whom he knew were always plotting to kill the person the woman loved and he later helped them to kill Him. Judas knew too that he would be rewarded with money for his ‘good conscience’..
Download the tract from
Tract - Certified as Living
When Jesus presented Moses and Elijah to the disciples it wasn't just to shake up there sense of reality but to show them that He certifies the living
It is supplied as 1 pdf file on an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet both sides, cut to A5, fold to form 2 x 4pp A6 tract.
Sample text:...The truth is this. God came to us. He only needed to do it once. He told us everything there is to know about himself, about life beyond the grave.
You can either rely on the lips of men for knowing God, like the teachers did in the Old Testament days who got it completely wrong and ended up battering him to death. Or you can rely on God’s own lips for the truth.
Download the Tract from . Sorry I can't give you a direct link, it doesn't work in this blog.
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