Monday, June 23, 2008

The science of unbelief

It never ceases to amaze me how much time people spend creating an identity for themselves out of a set of ideas rooted in the quasi-intellectual narrative of science. There is a scientific approach to everything these days, including toward constructing business models for exploiting the weak to make the world a playground for despots and tyrants. Behind every scientific technique of exploitation and domination one can see the indelible influence of the psycho brigade, whose construction of reality wobbles precariously on a pinhead of a premise that the narrative of cultural musings and theories is more reliable than the narrative of Jesus Christ.

Great institutions hand out certificates to their indoctrinated siblings in a vain hope that pieces of paper will equip people with enough knowledge, and therefore sufficient material means, to construct a meaningful identity regulated and maintained by self – the very core of sin and idolatry.

Sciences that work toward the goal of seducing mankind into believing it has supreme authority over its own environment and has the power to be a master of its own destiny and its future are deluded. It is a delusion back dated to the day when consciousness of God was influenced by the science of doubting the obvious, when the prototype spiritual man Adam, doubted the obvious truth that his existence was neither man–made, nor an environmental accident, but a generous gift of God. It’s all right to be a free thinker but it’s daft to use free thinking as a means to die in your sin.

I am amazed how people spend their lives enslaved to the treadmill of constructing an identity based on the lie that nothing occurs after physical death, that God is not going to do what He has always promised. The illogical belief that life will convert to oblivion has become a global trade in the certification of atheism; and along with it the certification of nihilism where the definition of right and wrong is left to the vagaries of a ruling oligarchy. God is to moral relativism what Light is to the science of ‘self enlightenment’.

What Jesus did was to make it easy for the world to believe. How odd that cultured people strove earnestly in His day, and have striven ever since, to make it difficult for the world to believe in His amazing love. You would have thought that the full weight of atheism should have succeeded by now, after two thousand years of striving, but the opposite is true.

It’s impossible to kill eternity. Eternity is a person who never dies. They couldn’t kill Him then, and no forces on this planet can kill Him now. It is logically insane to try and kill off an Eternal Being. It is this madness of unbelief that spends all its energies trying to kill off a God of love.