Friday, October 23, 2009

Humanism: a euphemism for animalism

The military industrial complex has evolved from a very Roman concept of Empire building in which the Constantinian narrative of Divine Retribution has been carried into Western cultures by a Church (often occultic) and State secularism. The ambitious policy of this type of secularism is to resolve everything by death and destruction. Christ is projected in this dubious arrangement as a crusader of righteousness against the axis of evil in other nations. Such an image is forged by scholars and theologians who are totally anti-Christ in every possible way.
Such a complex as this, now an economic zone spanning the globe, has no political centre except the pockets of a relatively small but well ensconced ragbag of war profiteers like QinetiQ, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Raydeon to name but a few.
In the context of the evolutionist view the small incident in Syria concerning US helicopters attacking citizens is like a manifestation of the behavioural characteristic of the non sentient micro organism that has yet to evolve by intelligent design into a new species called 'human'.
The military industrial complex is essentially a form of political pathogen that exists in the body politic of humanism to hinder the animal species from evolving into mature humans. The transition from animal to human cannot possibly take place while such a virulent antidote to development thrives in the body politic of a God hating academia for example - an academy that cannot define what is human. They produce the flat earth society of humanists and nationalists, the type that produce social revolution without change, a tyranny ad infinitum, a liberal mind that frog leaps from one ideological and philosophical dogma to another until it gets sucked into the Full Spectrum Dominance of an American Military Dogma that has no concept of conscience or humanity whatsoever. Such a 'Christian nation', like its European counterparts, like its predecessor in Roman times, is totally antagonistic towards Jesus but obsessed with an identity and a destiny that is bound up in the imagery and symbols of pagan religious rites, practices and festivals.
The word 'human' is used pathetically as a linguistic tool by these Military Industrial Complex animals to distinguish themselves from their perceived ancestors but the distinction is terribly vague, intellectually sophisticated but meaningless. The existence of the military industrial complex, the juggernaut of political life, sadly, not only makes a mockery of all the citations and clamour about the advance of humanistic science since the renaissance of 'humanism' in the 'age of reason' but makes for a society deeply double minded about the value of human life, about distribution of resources, the purpose of war. See my videos on YouTube under the channel JesusvState.
Humanism is a mother of all sciences and the bearer of children incubated in the crucible of nihilism.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Crime flourshes - it is officially sanctioned

Many groups of people conspire behind closed doors to exercise power over other groups to transfer possessions from people they have 'targeted' as suppliers.
In the shares and bonds markets traders are able to shift inexpressible amounts of money very quickly between markets which they use as a weapon to bring about change in public policy of the country they have targeted. This robbery takes place on a large scale every day by corporate raiders who act behind a wall of secrecy maintained by the US and UK Treasury.
Crime is least understood when it is reported by the mainstream news wire who tell you nothing about corporate crime because the scale of criminal activity is so LARGE it would destabilise Governments and their TAx Collecting minions if its nefarious system of whitewashing criminal syndicates was exposed to public analysis.
The petty crimes committed by mainly poor people full of anger and bitterness about being robbed by their Governments fades into insignificance compared to the crimes committed by tycoons of Finance and Commerce hiding behind their civic official status as ministers or senators of the State.
Governments use hardened criminals to do their 'dirty' work in routine espionage, counter intelligence operations and political subversion in advance of a full military offensive. So, crime is a word that needs clarifying.
Many activities of Government are unaccountable and in my humble opinion it is in the hidden corridors of raw political power where crime is committed and where injustices are meted out on such a large scale that no-one has the balls to stand up to their colleagues and say 'enough is enough' and blow the whistle.
Crime flourishes because of a gutless Government that cannot even deal with its own conspiratorial system of hiding its own nepotism and corruption.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rats in the parlour

To answer a question on Yahoo "Will Muslims be the cause of WW3?"
WW3 is extant in the way the affluent Romanised cultures maintain war economies more efficiently than social economies. The belligerent Western mind has been trained to think *war* since the Roman legacy of punching a way to heaven has left its indelible mark on European Church and State foreign policy directives. The politics of the Western Union is all about *war*..

From which continent did the first 2 world wars emerge?

Home to banking cartels, dynastic rulers and the ideology of Machiavelli, this continent has spawned the mighty US military machine which has lost all sense of proportion. The upshot is a terrifying fulfilment of all that John saw in his Revelations on the Isle of Patmos in the 1st century AD when he saw a global trading power dominate a third of the world... et al

Western Governments use the Muslim Straw man as a scapegoat while they fraternise at high diplomatic level with Oil Sheiks who finance terrorism.

You the public are regularly lied to by Media Channels who are syndicated by these dynasties to operate as their PR to whitewash evil practices regularly carried out by the State Machinery of Death and Destruction that protects the interests of the tycoons and magnates who have taken over political control like an infestation of rats in the parlour.

God knows what is going on behind closed doors and he will reveal all as the Light of the World returns.