Monday, June 18, 2007

God does not inspire holy wars

I have always been perturbed by the cultural practise of getting rid of evil by murdering people and then using transfer ideology to replace murder with ‘justified killing’ as an explanation for evil actions. The complex ideas that support the transfer of meaning from one word to another to explain the difference between two kinds of murder very often calls upon an entity or truth that does not exist in reality.

For example, the idea that God instructs people to murder each other in order to get rid of evil, has no basis in truth. Its not that God doesn’t exist; it’s the warped view of God that for millenniums has been instituted by man as an orthodox religion. Nor does truth sound very convincing coming from the lips of lawyers and priests who deftly argue that it is OK to murder a few people if it benefits the greater number.

With regard to the divine inspiration for murder that people believe is holy and just I regret to say this does not stack up with the revelation of God that Jesus made fully known to the world two thousand years ago Jesus Christ repudiated the source of this abominable idea in the face of those around Him whose father He described as Satan, the murderer and liar from the beginning, who believed that the divine inspiration to murder people was the truth and with this truth they believed they had divine authority to devise every tactic to get rid of Jesus because they regarded Him as evil.

The idea then that Christians can wage holy wars or crusades against evil by murdering people does not come by inspiration of the Holy Spirit but by the inspiration of the evil one who has been doing this since the beginning of time.

Satan’s time has come to an end because his lies have now been exposed.

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