Friday, August 24, 2007

How can the dead hear?

In response to one of those many emails I get from Malaysia or Nigeria trying to solicit money by false pretenses

Dear Amin
God knows what you are doing. He has already raised His first Son Jesus Christ from the dead to watch over all men until they eventually meet Him for an interview when they are all raised from the dead by Jesus' voice. The first Son is looking for others to follow Him. He has already found Moses and Elijah, and they have recognised Him as their Lord and Saviour, they have repented of their ways and now follow Christ..

Just as Jesus' raised Moses and Elijah in order to give the Jews a clear message about His authority over the dead and the living He will also raise you. Whether you die tomorrow or in fifty years, you will meet Jesus Christ in the same way as Lazarurs did who heard his voice while he was dead in his grave. And now the Muslims have become like the Jews, worshipping a God created in their own image after their own imagination.

How do you think the dead can hear Jesus' voice?

"I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man"

And don't think that I am talking about physical death. I am talking about those who are dead to God while they are living, who are spiritually cut off from His presence, which is a state of death that only the Son has the authority to change

"I tell you the truth, everyone who hears my word (singular) and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

Amin, have you crossed over from death into life yet? Have you understood that sinners and evil doers will have no place in God's kingdom?
Neither they that kill, that steal, that lie and cheat, that treat women badly. No 'Muslim', no 'Hindu', No 'Buddhist', No 'Spiritual Man', No 'Christian' has a place in God's kingdom without the blood of Christ washing away their sins first. Many call themselves by a religious name but this does not transfer a soul from death into life. A cultural name is just a cultural name. Sin is a condition that separates people from God and you can tell they are separated from the love of God by their actions. If George Bush confesses to be a Christian on one hand and then orders troops to kill his neighbours in another country he is separated from God, the Pope who might rule over the same destructive hierarchical powers as Bush is also separated from God. Bin Laden, who orders people to kill their neighbours is also separated from God. In fact any one who thinks he can earn a place in Heaven by killing another person is already dead to God. The only god who kills, destroys, steals, lies, hurts and cheats is satan. Satan inspired the Jews to kill their neighbours just as he inspires Christians and Muslims and Sikhs to kill their neighbours today. None of these people are alive to God, He considers such people who listen to satan as dead and cut off. Just as satan is dead and cut off from God so are those who listen to his lies.

Will you come to Christ today Amin? Will you let Christ come into your life and take away the sin that cuts you off from God? If you do Amin, I guarantee that God will make your life a temple for the Holy Spirit where He longs to live. God longs to live in the heart of man. He has no interest whatsoever to live in temples, buildings, cathedrals, mosques and pantheons. These are places where the dead worship dead idols.

You see Amin, once your sin has been removed by your confession of faith in what Christ as done for you, the chasm that separates you from God will be bridged by God's hand reaching out to you with an offer of membership of His Royal and Eternal Household of Children who are all made in the image of the first born Son Jesus Christ.

Will you consider your life in the light of the truth that Jesus brought? Or will you throw away God's gift of eternal life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
