Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hell and the Military Industrial Complex

While the nationalised citizen volunteers to fight other nationalised citizens, construed by their Establishment leaders and intelligence experts as the ‘enemy’, the benefits from victory, the spoils of war, always end up in the hands of the manufacturing elite. The bigger the manufacturer, in terms of its production capacity to inflict maximum human suffering, the more important they are as partners in the economic growth and expansion of dynastic empires globally, which is where political elitism gravitates. For example, a special consignment of 500 triggered spark plugs exported at $1000 each by a US manufacturer aware of their dual use can easily end up in the hands of the Taliban military establishment for use in triggering nuclear devices that will destroy both British and American soldiers in great numbers. Export controls are easy to circumnavigate when the main priority of a national industry is to provide superfluous comforts and luxuries for its consumer oriented culture.

Industrialists rule the world and are out of control, supplying both the ‘enemy’ and the ‘friendly’ fighter with weapons that are far too big for their brains, making their balls bigger than their intellect. Using a monarchical system of manufacture and supply, the creators of this military industrialised world have always plotted a course for the rise and dominance of the Nation State, which has brought citizens of the world into this unpromising century facing the precipice of an unmanageable period of conflict bringing unimaginable new wealth and unprecedented new power to an emerging corporatised super state owned by but a comparatively few bankers and dynasties. Soldiers are sent to their graves in blind allegiance to industrialists who dictate terms of engagement to civil Government. Inculcated from birth with the idea that they are serving a country, a prophet or a god, “Dieu at mon droit” or a mythical combination of all three, they serve only to make the few who are very rich even more rich and the masses in 'enemy' territory, who are forced to work for a pittance by their law lords, even more destitute. Someone needs to tell them to come home and to challenge the intelligence of their officers and politicians. Who is it that Jesus pointed to as the one who inspires people to steal, kill and destroy?

It is the monarchical elite, sitting in their ivory towers at the top of the military/industrial pyramid, that sets the agenda for the protection of their wealth and therefore their power. It is this political colossus that turned a blind eye in the 70's to genocide in East Timor, which was also prejudicially reported by the mainstream news wire who are part of the colossus, the phalanx. A monarchy in this context is a ruling elite that operates outside of and often antagonistic toward the rule of a public hierarchy of civil power, which is how Government and Parliament, Pentagon and the Senate, Military and Civil Society remain totally polarised. Like rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck when the senses are held in suspense, mesmerised by a flash of light that freezes every nerve in the body, the public never know what is falling upon them until it is too late. The East Timorians, by their tens of thousands, didn't have a single clue why they were being decimated by American hardware, until it fell upon them like a shower from the sky. The clue is that all the expended hardware made someone very very very wealthy.

Such is the Military Industrial Complex that it can operate openly, with headlights full on, while shaking the ground, and yet no one sees it crushing millions of innocent citizens until it is too late. It cannot be seen because it has adapted itself to be an integral part of the architecture of political life at every level, social, economic, religious, educational and industrial. There are no boundaries that keep it out because as a spiritual entity, matrix-like, it passes through walls, firewalls, penetrating the heart of human privacy. As chameleon it blends into the environment and like the Predator it strikes, wherever and whenever, at will. The people who maintain its corporate global size and its universal scope of extraordinary monarchical power and influence are the millions of career scientists, scholars, teachers, technicians, media professionals, politicians, industrialists and manufacturers who each subscribe to its ultimate goal as a spiritual power to bring about the ascent of man and the descent of Jesus Christ in God. Each and every citizen engrossed in their profession of a human centric universe (humanism), whether as professionals in welfare, education, health, commerce, industry, law, arts, media, entertainment and culture, are by default knitted together spiritually in a common cause of constructing an environment in which the concept of a separate spiritual kingdom ruled over by a loving God and a sacrificial Son is totally negated. This spiritual bonding is the flesh and bone of the Military Industrial Complex, which is avowedly anti-Christ and therefore anti-God.

The Military Industrial Complex is populated by a type of anti-God, antipathetic to a benevolent God, to a God who has promised justice regardless of failed human endeavour, antagonistic toward peacemakers, spiritually paraplegic, quixotic, unstable, deep in psychosis, paralysed by a bi-polar tendency to do harm and to do ‘good’ in equal measure without a conscience. Though, by its sheer weight of numbers, as a colossus of co-operating citizens working hard to materialise the promise of a New World Order prescribed by an intelligentsia pushing corny ideas about human good will, it may well achieve in a fashion the Full Spectrum Dominance envisaged by Engdahl. However, like the small minded terrorist, the citizen of a man-centred universe obsessed with using metaphysical mutations to transfer power from dominant theories to real estate, is just like his medieval predecessor holding up a pitch fork to assert a small minded idea about the meaninglessness and dispensability of life in a bloody revolution. Brzezinski would argue that a consensus is needed to give credibility to the pitch fork as a symbol of liberty since it is being held by a citizen believing in a commonwealth of national ideals and aspirations who is part of a critical mass of a hegemony that has the moral upper hand. On the other hand Brzezinski his little wit concerning what Christ has already established on Earth vis a vis the judgement of those who take the law into their own hands.

Next: The political union between Church and State, between what is achievable by Grace and by Raw Power, is held together by a Manichean Paranoia Syndrome that infects pedagogic thinking behind the UK and US Military Industrial Alliance. For example the recent symbolic appearance of an army salute at a football match in peacetime is unprecedented in the history of State Managed Propaganda but this is exactly the spiritual nature of the Military Industrial Complex; it can turn up at any time it likes to impact upon the mind, body and soul of the uninformed and the unaware. Bringing with it a spirit from hell.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Bow down Satan

In pursuit of peace it is necessary to wage war. The arena for this war is a spiritual one and the weapons are words. My words are from Jesus Christ and my authority for speaking them comes from the one who has condemned the prince of this world Satan.

No soldier would put his trust in a weapon supplied by an outfit that is linked with the enemy and in reality no soldier has ever rejected using a weapon on these grounds because he is never in a position to make the connection. He has no understanding of the route by which his weapon has ended up in his hands, whether sourced by people and politicians in power on both sides who will profit from the war when they put their hands in the till after the proceeds from sales have been paid. For the soldier, dying in battle, the reasons he is given for risking his life are spiritual ones, expressed in the language of defending an ill defined place called the homeland, which is in reality a vast area of rock and sand full of cities and towns at war within themselves over race, status, wealth, class, gender, religion and ideology.
In reality the picture and image of a unified nation is an artificial one manufactured by those who profit from war. The soldier dutifully throws away his life because he is taught by his peers who run the military and educational establishments that he is defending a group of people unified under one flag and one nation and one religion. But these are lies. These are lies because it is war that unifies, not peace. It is not the national curriculum of peace studies that makes a peaceful nation. Instead, it is a national diet of war rhetoric, war history, war celebrations, war memorials and war plaques in churches, maintained by the peers of the realm, that creates a double minded psychotic people ready to flip their personalities at the touch of a button.

The creation and strategic planning of war makes an elite group of people very wealthy, which in turn has the social and anthropological effect of binding people together in a common cause to radically change their behaviour from being human to being distinctly and irreversibly inhuman.

Such a dichotomy of behaviour, such a twisted view of the value of life, is only possible when people are given weapons to use that, unknown to them, have been manufactured by their enemies. The enemies of life are those who manufacture weapons and it is these people I shall be exposing as the workers of darkness who serve only one lord and master. Satan, the destroyer of all that God has created.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Humanism: a euphemism for animalism

The military industrial complex has evolved from a very Roman concept of Empire building in which the Constantinian narrative of Divine Retribution has been carried into Western cultures by a Church (often occultic) and State secularism. The ambitious policy of this type of secularism is to resolve everything by death and destruction. Christ is projected in this dubious arrangement as a crusader of righteousness against the axis of evil in other nations. Such an image is forged by scholars and theologians who are totally anti-Christ in every possible way.
Such a complex as this, now an economic zone spanning the globe, has no political centre except the pockets of a relatively small but well ensconced ragbag of war profiteers like QinetiQ, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Raydeon to name but a few.
In the context of the evolutionist view the small incident in Syria concerning US helicopters attacking citizens is like a manifestation of the behavioural characteristic of the non sentient micro organism that has yet to evolve by intelligent design into a new species called 'human'.
The military industrial complex is essentially a form of political pathogen that exists in the body politic of humanism to hinder the animal species from evolving into mature humans. The transition from animal to human cannot possibly take place while such a virulent antidote to development thrives in the body politic of a God hating academia for example - an academy that cannot define what is human. They produce the flat earth society of humanists and nationalists, the type that produce social revolution without change, a tyranny ad infinitum, a liberal mind that frog leaps from one ideological and philosophical dogma to another until it gets sucked into the Full Spectrum Dominance of an American Military Dogma that has no concept of conscience or humanity whatsoever. Such a 'Christian nation', like its European counterparts, like its predecessor in Roman times, is totally antagonistic towards Jesus but obsessed with an identity and a destiny that is bound up in the imagery and symbols of pagan religious rites, practices and festivals.
The word 'human' is used pathetically as a linguistic tool by these Military Industrial Complex animals to distinguish themselves from their perceived ancestors but the distinction is terribly vague, intellectually sophisticated but meaningless. The existence of the military industrial complex, the juggernaut of political life, sadly, not only makes a mockery of all the citations and clamour about the advance of humanistic science since the renaissance of 'humanism' in the 'age of reason' but makes for a society deeply double minded about the value of human life, about distribution of resources, the purpose of war. See my videos on YouTube under the channel JesusvState.
Humanism is a mother of all sciences and the bearer of children incubated in the crucible of nihilism.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Crime flourshes - it is officially sanctioned

Many groups of people conspire behind closed doors to exercise power over other groups to transfer possessions from people they have 'targeted' as suppliers.
In the shares and bonds markets traders are able to shift inexpressible amounts of money very quickly between markets which they use as a weapon to bring about change in public policy of the country they have targeted. This robbery takes place on a large scale every day by corporate raiders who act behind a wall of secrecy maintained by the US and UK Treasury.
Crime is least understood when it is reported by the mainstream news wire who tell you nothing about corporate crime because the scale of criminal activity is so LARGE it would destabilise Governments and their TAx Collecting minions if its nefarious system of whitewashing criminal syndicates was exposed to public analysis.
The petty crimes committed by mainly poor people full of anger and bitterness about being robbed by their Governments fades into insignificance compared to the crimes committed by tycoons of Finance and Commerce hiding behind their civic official status as ministers or senators of the State.
Governments use hardened criminals to do their 'dirty' work in routine espionage, counter intelligence operations and political subversion in advance of a full military offensive. So, crime is a word that needs clarifying.
Many activities of Government are unaccountable and in my humble opinion it is in the hidden corridors of raw political power where crime is committed and where injustices are meted out on such a large scale that no-one has the balls to stand up to their colleagues and say 'enough is enough' and blow the whistle.
Crime flourishes because of a gutless Government that cannot even deal with its own conspiratorial system of hiding its own nepotism and corruption.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rats in the parlour

To answer a question on Yahoo "Will Muslims be the cause of WW3?"
WW3 is extant in the way the affluent Romanised cultures maintain war economies more efficiently than social economies. The belligerent Western mind has been trained to think *war* since the Roman legacy of punching a way to heaven has left its indelible mark on European Church and State foreign policy directives. The politics of the Western Union is all about *war*..

From which continent did the first 2 world wars emerge?

Home to banking cartels, dynastic rulers and the ideology of Machiavelli, this continent has spawned the mighty US military machine which has lost all sense of proportion. The upshot is a terrifying fulfilment of all that John saw in his Revelations on the Isle of Patmos in the 1st century AD when he saw a global trading power dominate a third of the world... et al

Western Governments use the Muslim Straw man as a scapegoat while they fraternise at high diplomatic level with Oil Sheiks who finance terrorism.

You the public are regularly lied to by Media Channels who are syndicated by these dynasties to operate as their PR to whitewash evil practices regularly carried out by the State Machinery of Death and Destruction that protects the interests of the tycoons and magnates who have taken over political control like an infestation of rats in the parlour.

God knows what is going on behind closed doors and he will reveal all as the Light of the World returns.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Liberty: a finite concept

Not only do we have a substantial epistemological crisis in the world that has largely produced two irreconcilable strands of thought concerning the source of human identity but also a conflict of reason and intellect within them used by adherents of either strand putting forward their political religious theories. Science has always been underpinned by a philosophical narrative by those who need to justify a moral position vis a vis its destructive application but these days the dichotomy of fact and value, liberty and aggression, individualism and social engineering is requiring a new regulative process called ’the creeping tyranny of State intervention at the philosophical level’. Science is not the issue. The mother of all tyrannies is a philosophical one based on Greek Myths.

One strand argues the origin of human identity is God and the other, nothing but a void. The shades of grey between God and nothing is infinitesimal, compounded by the inadequacy of language, but the polarisation is a bipolar phenomenon. The polarisation of believer and unbeliever is widening fast, to such an extent that even local council directives in the UK have abandoned the non-aggressive libertarian tolerance of individual rights for the more legalistic approach of outlawing faith groups all in the name of the Greek Myth called ‘Democracy’. The reconstruction of society following cycles of self defeating conflict is like a merry go round; spinning on the mono-culture of the war economy. The urgency on both sides is to knock each other off the road map to heaven without having a single clue as to what it is that constitutes heaven, the ideal state of existence. Instead the epistemology is about regurgitating Ancient Ideas as a kind of continuity of design.

Expressed in this simplistic way the argument looks as if we have a crude choice between God or nothing, Heaven or Hell, eternal gain or oblivion. Without a deep analysis of the semantics of language, or indeed a full proof explanation for the etymology of every symbol, every form of expression, it is possible to organise any orthodoxy you like that will inevitably win a jury over to accepting your point of view. Winning the argument is what conflict is all about and the direction of a dialogue is generally driven by the one who possesses more knowledge than the other in this arena of appropriated knowledge.

Jesus Christ had few friends when he started out with his mission to talk about his identity as the Son of God. In fact, he had more enemies than he bargained for and spent a lot of time ducking and diving from stones and angry people (men and women). Cherished by the close knit community in which he was nurtured one would have thought that his life was secure in the hands of a society of friends who had bonded together in a shared common identity. However, as things turned out, this ‘social bonding’ turned out to have little substance when their terms of reference for their identity was suddenly put under the pressure of some criticism from their little ‘naïve’ acolyte. Social norms gave way to a much deeper spiritual identity that lay beneath the veneer of social etiquette and middle class posturing.

Jesus got up in the Synagogue, as was the custom, to read something from their venerable book of Oracles, while heads nodded, ‘Look, there’s our son of Joseph, hasn’t he grown up to be such a handsome young man…’ By the time this squelchy sublime approbation had oozed into their territorial minds, Jesus had already commented on the passage he was reading by telling them plainly that the person their Oracles had been blarting on about for centuries had arrived and was standing before them. No sooner had they wallowed in a little community pride, a much less benign thought had already rebooted their mental system – totally. Isn’t Windows frustrating!

Oh Gosh. Oh really badly, awfully Gosh. What happened next, as recorded by John with such economy, is the beginning of the movement of a tectonic plate underpinning the whole artifice of a nation and the uprooting of their spiritual anchors to their Oracles, which has been slowly shaking their foundations ever since.

The dichotomy of identity is expressed violently in this passage from John’s Gospel in the way the ‘bonded community’ reacted. Jesus had no friends and no protection when he was set upon by a mob at the beginning of his trek into the dark and murky world of philosophy. For a good reason he attacked their identity and immediately the dichotomy of fact and value, the polarisation of the fact they identified with their ancestors and the value they placed on it by abandoning any concept of the sanctity of life when they tried to throw Jesus down the cliff, is where the split personality derives its impetus.

This narrative of philosophy has undergone paradigm shifts since the eloquent reasonings by Socrates and Plato towards adopting a more sinister totalitarian lexicon that has today become a science of control and social engineering that quiet frankly would scare the crap out of the metaphysical world it is trying to manipulate, if such a world had a voice.

Well, it has. Jesus Christ rising from the dead is a manifestation of the metaphysical world but the philosophical narrative surrounding this event requires no instruments of social and political theory to prove their truth and their value. The words themselves bear testimony to themselves that they are true. Moreover, the way countless philosophical societies have ingenuously tried very hard to discredit Jesus is a testimony to the gravity and power of his voice. A voice from the dead is a voice that is eternal.

A friend of Christ is a friend of mine but his enemies are also my enemies. If social bonding is the key to social development then I would rather bond with Christ than with communities like the one that turned on the young man Jesus. The flow of hostility towards Christ is a corollary of his universal authority.

Communities in the UK are being shaped by an army of unbelievers in every section of society where identity with their world view is becoming less of an option but more of a social and ‘moral’ obligation. The philosophical argument is about cohesion, the headache of 19th century rationalists, but the agenda is to win the perceived war against believers by using force; by using the threat and fear of social exclusion in Government regulated workplaces and/or imprisonment. Such practices reveal intellectual perversion.

Be very aware fellow followers of Jesus, the spirit that hated him before he was born, is a spirit that inhabits the narrative of secular philosophy, psychology and sciences. And they will have their way – for a short while.

Jesus points to an everlasting Kingdom that is way way beyond the asphyxiating and finite philosophy of aggression and violence.

Jesus trembled at the violence of the world the first time round but on His next visit the same narrative will be used in a slightly different context. The context will be as a means of judgment upon all the bloodshed caused by nations that have raged against him since Adam.

I'd rather be fearful of God than of irrelevant UK Directives trying to control life on a sinking ship.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Clumsy Political Science

He said: "A debate has to take place and all views must be expressed. What better place than parliament for this? I tell you, we must not be ashamed of our values, we must not be afraid of defending them."

Monday 22nd June saw Nicolas Sarkozy make this ambiguous statement in the French Parliament, referring to ‘defence’ as being part of the parliamentary tradition of ‘debate’. The phrase ‘not be ashamed of our values’ is a worrying aspect of political rhetoric not in the least because there seems to be no moral high ground these days on which to peg values that give the right of one section of society to dictate by mob politics of parliament how another section of society should dress. In a multi-cultural, pluralistic, diverse society, where moral relativism is preached as the modern framework for social discourse, here we have a plutocrat telling the French nation that they must defend values that are opposed to the values of others. What Neanderthal values are these then?
Are these values expressed as part of a psychopathological back draft from the political psychosis de la French Revolution? On one side we have the French obsession with mythologizing their historical place in the process of social revolution where the endless rhetoric about a more equitable, fair and diverse culture based on compassion and acceptance is dribbled out in the EU, while on the other, we have a spokesman for a partisan intelligentsia, obsessed with subjective values ascribed to a mythical collection of people whose existence is inferred by the collective possessive pronoun ‘our’, as in ‘our values’, who proceeds to allude to a framework for the ‘debate’ with a not very subtle use of trigger words like ‘shame’ and ‘defence’.

Parliament is the place where mob rule takes place under the guise of ‘democratic debate’. Here, members are coerced by the Party whip into conforming to the type of political narrow mindedness that is exemplified by Party acolytes like Sarkozy who is clearly lost in a fantasy world of an internalised schema of values and beliefs from which he extricates himself by making a sublime call to arms of the Party faithful by externalising them as being ‘common’ values and beliefs in need of defence.

Party politics is mob politics run by little mobsters. Its mobsters naively – I hope – use subliminal references as a tool to incite the base instinct of the animal to protect an identity. An identity that is manufactured by the State anyway. (See my booklet ‘Blasphemy & Identity’) This is an identity of values and beliefs that is ideologically territorial, that articulates the defence by an invisible herd of people bonded by their occult tattoos, signs, symbols and totems, to erect barriers of social exclusion to ostracise and then murder their fellow humans. The nice décor of political science is its ability to paper over the spirit of murder and violence that lies just beneath the surface of a recycled Aristotelian sophistry.

An attack by State figurines on the religious practices of a group of people is an attack, not on religion, but on the thin veneer of their two faced politics. On one hand they use high minded principles of morality and ‘social responsibility’ to outwardly give credibility and intelligence to the political revolution of creating an utopian society, citing exclusion as a necessary evil (as do the lecturers from Zeitgeist), while on the other hand inwardly concealing a fear of difference that expresses itself in the language of defending an abstract collectivisation of souls under the vague title ‘our values’. In the Reith Lecture this discussion about identifying the purpose of social dialogue takes us into the very same region of mob politics, where information supporting particular theories is kept on track by the doyens of culture operating the push and pull levers in the twinned towers of Media and Educatia, to create enough critical mass in the public mind of an evidence based dialogue that can occupy the high moral ground for justifying inhumanity to man all in the name of ‘social progress’. Witless utopian gutter talk.

The war in the Middle East is the fruit of this kind of mob politics. The critical mass of public support for murdering their own kind in a far away land is properly kept on track by a sophistry of words that lulls the conscience into believing that the moral question of murdering men, women and children can be resolved by ‘looking at the evidence’. Even if these Neanderthals in power have to use the false flag operation to create more convincing proof of evidence, what is critical to them is the indoctrination of the public consciousness by a regular news feed that keeps the public mind anaesthetised from seeing the reality of the evil they support.

Jesus Christ is here to expose it all. Because He lives, therefore I am. My common bond is with Jesus Christ – the only human being who suffers not from psychological dissonance.

All the fabricators and engineers of fear in the State machinery of death will be exposed for what they are. DESTROYERS OF LIFE. Their two faced political theories will be exposed as nothing but a shoddy veil covering a deep seated psychotic hatred for Creation and The Creator.

Monday, June 22, 2009

God's love is amazing but human love aint....

The idea of an emerging new world headed up by a philosophical junta boasting the supremacy of the human race over its environment is a very dangerous one. Not in the least because it is an idea that is as old as the Neanderthal whose offspring has produced a whole series of ‘civilisations’ that have mostly dried up through excessive blood letting.
The ideas proposed by the Zeitgeist sect are extremely worrying, for hidden within the sophistry is a logic reductio ad absurdum that forcefully reduces the individual to excepting that he/she is nothing but an extension of the group. The absurdity is menacing since non-conformity to this world view, that humans are an integral part of unified systems they call ‘natural’, necessarily requires regulation by a form of punishment called ‘ostracism’. I quote, ‘Your personal beliefs, whatever they may be, are meaningless when it comes to the necessities of life’. And what constitutes necessities of life I presume excludes a belief in a God who can love a damn sight better than humans can?
According to their perceptions of the ‘natural’ world, whatever that means, we are all connected ‘naturally’, like cogs in a big anthropological clock, and our success in creating this new emerging reality is dependent on conforming to their view that social integration only works if we deny the existence of a God whom they claim separates people.
This is a nihilist ground zero philosophy that at its heart is a sophistry concealing a hatred toward those who give thanks and who give verbal credit to God for whatever kindness they receive from their environment. It is only God who is capable of love anyway and it makes me cringe when I hear people say they love each other when they haven’t clue where divine love originated, and how undivine they are in their present state of sin.
‘We love you Mark, but get out of our church, you are ostracised for not conforming to our world view’.
Human love is always missing the mark in God’s eyes, that is why He came as Jesus Christ to COVER us with HIS LOVE so that we can be certain of God's love while living in a world where human love fails.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Christ v Bible / State

There is a survival of life in the jungle that is breathtakingly exotic and abundant, that resonates with sounds, colours and smells we may equate with song, beauty, perfume. But there is a darker violent aspect of survival in the jungle that our imagination is perhaps not so eager to articulate in the same glowing terms.

We have inherited a language full of peculiar words, to compensate for this contradiction of aspect, which we use to blur the contradictions, to elevate our identity in glowing terms using abstract words like love and beauty.

The jungle is not beautiful at all though, it is a chaotic, mechanistic life system, where the survival of the fittest is the unwritten law. Where atavisms pre-determine the selections made within a short span of life reducing choice to nothing more meaningful than the maths of probability. Where life has no meaning other than to function as a living organism to serve no purpose other than being available as a product in the automated food chain and as a protector of territory.

This description is not dissimilar from the life of modern man where another jungle exists that has been created by a military industrial mindset directed by the archetypal territorial warrior who sees thousands of souls as expendable. Expendable in an economic system that maintains a food chain for the rich and just chains for the poor. Here people are statistics, whose probability of importance is expressed as a computation in documents that are sexed up to preserve the flimsy appearance of transition from beast to human, from a green jungle to a concrete replica. The Iraq dossier is part of humanism's attempt to re-classify the wild animal as human. How insulting to God it is that animals should have the audacity to call themselves 'human'.
The difference between jungle law and cultural law is a difference in language only. Sophistry barely makes any difference. So much so we use the language of art like the language of law to crudely justify behaving like animals so that a distinction can be made between the symbols that set us apart. But it is a crude distinction because the language relies on crude and meaningless abstraction.

This confusion has no lasting beauty and no future.
A consequence of identifying with nature, of looking for an identity based on obscure symbols and indefinite origins, is the emergence of a compensating definitive language, a legal system, to distinguish humans from animals, to bring order out of chaos ‘ordo ab chao’ by codifying behaviour, that makes the transition from animal to human, from sinner to saint, from wild instinct to consciousness of the divine, a visible proof of difference.

In the process new weapons also emerge to combat evil, to combat those who resist the transition, and the animal not only completely fails to articulate the divine mystery of being human but regresses to a state that is an embarrassment to the whole of creation. The regress is told as a narrative of ancient history which repeats itself ad infinitum into the modern age. We have inherited the conflict of personality in the form of ancient customs, beliefs and practices, which State and Church conform to with predictable outcomes.

As a consequence we think, we pray, we speak and we act out a language of the wild, which has no beauty.
But God who is always beautiful in Christ, holds out a hand of salvation and hope that one day we would conform to an identity that is true, which He has shown us personally in the life and words of Jesus Christ.