While the nationalised citizen volunteers to fight other nationalised citizens, construed by their Establishment leaders and intelligence experts as the ‘enemy’, the benefits from victory, the spoils of war, always end up in the hands of the manufacturing elite. The bigger the manufacturer, in terms of its production capacity to inflict maximum human suffering, the more important they are as partners in the economic growth and expansion of dynastic empires globally, which is where political elitism gravitates. For example, a special consignment of 500 triggered spark plugs exported at $1000 each by a US manufacturer aware of their dual use can easily end up in the hands of the Taliban military establishment for use in triggering nuclear devices that will destroy both British and American soldiers in great numbers. Export controls are easy to circumnavigate when the main priority of a national industry is to provide superfluous comforts and luxuries for its consumer oriented culture.
Industrialists rule the world and are out of control, supplying both the ‘enemy’ and the ‘friendly’ fighter with weapons that are far too big for their brains, making their balls bigger than their intellect. Using a monarchical system of manufacture and supply, the creators of this military industrialised world have always plotted a course for the rise and dominance of the Nation State, which has brought citizens of the world into this unpromising century facing the precipice of an unmanageable period of conflict bringing unimaginable new wealth and unprecedented new power to an emerging corporatised super state owned by but a comparatively few bankers and dynasties. Soldiers are sent to their graves in blind allegiance to industrialists who dictate terms of engagement to civil Government. Inculcated from birth with the idea that they are serving a country, a prophet or a god, “Dieu at mon droit” or a mythical combination of all three, they serve only to make the few who are very rich even more rich and the masses in 'enemy' territory, who are forced to work for a pittance by their law lords, even more destitute. Someone needs to tell them to come home and to challenge the intelligence of their officers and politicians. Who is it that Jesus pointed to as the one who inspires people to steal, kill and destroy?
It is the monarchical elite, sitting in their ivory towers at the top of the military/industrial pyramid, that sets the agenda for the protection of their wealth and therefore their power. It is this political colossus that turned a blind eye in the 70's to genocide in East Timor, which was also prejudicially reported by the mainstream news wire who are part of the colossus, the phalanx. A monarchy in this context is a ruling elite that operates outside of and often antagonistic toward the rule of a public hierarchy of civil power, which is how Government and Parliament, Pentagon and the Senate, Military and Civil Society remain totally polarised. Like rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck when the senses are held in suspense, mesmerised by a flash of light that freezes every nerve in the body, the public never know what is falling upon them until it is too late. The East Timorians, by their tens of thousands, didn't have a single clue why they were being decimated by American hardware, until it fell upon them like a shower from the sky. The clue is that all the expended hardware made someone very very very wealthy.
Such is the Military Industrial Complex that it can operate openly, with headlights full on, while shaking the ground, and yet no one sees it crushing millions of innocent citizens until it is too late. It cannot be seen because it has adapted itself to be an integral part of the architecture of political life at every level, social, economic, religious, educational and industrial. There are no boundaries that keep it out because as a spiritual entity, matrix-like, it passes through walls, firewalls, penetrating the heart of human privacy. As chameleon it blends into the environment and like the Predator it strikes, wherever and whenever, at will. The people who maintain its corporate global size and its universal scope of extraordinary monarchical power and influence are the millions of career scientists, scholars, teachers, technicians, media professionals, politicians, industrialists and manufacturers who each subscribe to its ultimate goal as a spiritual power to bring about the ascent of man and the descent of Jesus Christ in God. Each and every citizen engrossed in their profession of a human centric universe (humanism), whether as professionals in welfare, education, health, commerce, industry, law, arts, media, entertainment and culture, are by default knitted together spiritually in a common cause of constructing an environment in which the concept of a separate spiritual kingdom ruled over by a loving God and a sacrificial Son is totally negated. This spiritual bonding is the flesh and bone of the Military Industrial Complex, which is avowedly anti-Christ and therefore anti-God.
The Military Industrial Complex is populated by a type of anti-God, antipathetic to a benevolent God, to a God who has promised justice regardless of failed human endeavour, antagonistic toward peacemakers, spiritually paraplegic, quixotic, unstable, deep in psychosis, paralysed by a bi-polar tendency to do harm and to do ‘good’ in equal measure without a conscience. Though, by its sheer weight of numbers, as a colossus of co-operating citizens working hard to materialise the promise of a New World Order prescribed by an intelligentsia pushing corny ideas about human good will, it may well achieve in a fashion the Full Spectrum Dominance envisaged by Engdahl. However, like the small minded terrorist, the citizen of a man-centred universe obsessed with using metaphysical mutations to transfer power from dominant theories to real estate, is just like his medieval predecessor holding up a pitch fork to assert a small minded idea about the meaninglessness and dispensability of life in a bloody revolution. Brzezinski would argue that a consensus is needed to give credibility to the pitch fork as a symbol of liberty since it is being held by a citizen believing in a commonwealth of national ideals and aspirations who is part of a critical mass of a hegemony that has the moral upper hand. On the other hand Brzezinski his little wit concerning what Christ has already established on Earth vis a vis the judgement of those who take the law into their own hands.
Next: The political union between Church and State, between what is achievable by Grace and by Raw Power, is held together by a Manichean Paranoia Syndrome that infects pedagogic thinking behind the UK and US Military Industrial Alliance. For example the recent symbolic appearance of an army salute at a football match in peacetime is unprecedented in the history of State Managed Propaganda but this is exactly the spiritual nature of the Military Industrial Complex; it can turn up at any time it likes to impact upon the mind, body and soul of the uninformed and the unaware. Bringing with it a spirit from hell.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
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I am a 2 tour Vietnam Veteran who recently retired after 36 misguided years of working in the Defense Industrial Complex on many of the weapons systems being used by our forces as we speak.
The Department of Defense, headquartered in the Pentagon, is one of the most massive organizations on the planet, with net annual operating costs of $635 billion, assets worth $1.3 trillion, liabilities of $1.9 trillion and more that 2.9 million military and civilian personnel. It is difficult to convey the complexity of the way DOD works to someone who has not experienced it. This is a massive machine with so many departments and so much bureaucracy that no president, including Obama totally understands it.
Presidents, Congressmen, Cabinet Members and Appointees project a knowledgeable demeanor but they are spouting what they are told by career people who never go away and who train their replacements carefully. These are military and civil servants with enormous collective power, armed with the Federal Acquisition Regulation, Defense Industrial Security Manuals, compartmentalized classification structures and "Rice Bowls" which are never mixed.
Our society has slowly given this power structure its momentum which is constant and extraordinarily tough to bend. The cost to the average American is high in terms of real dollars and bad decisions. Every major power structure member in the Pentagon's many Washington Offices and Field locations in the US and Overseas has a counterpart in Defense Industry Corporate America. That collective body has undergone major consolidation in the last 10 years. What used to be a broad base of competitive firms is now a few huge monoliths, such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and Boeing.
Government oversight committees are carefully stroked. Men like Sam Nunn and others who were around for years in military and policy oversight roles have been cajoled, given into on occasion but kept in the dark about the real status of things until it is too late to do anything but what the establishment wants. This still continues - with increasing high technology and potential for abuse.
Until this machine runs out of the credit to run it and the credibility to sustain it we will continue to feed it young American lives.
It would be good if you could outline, from your perspective as an employee at the sharp end of the MIC, some of the form and shape of the Pentagon so that people can begin to grasp how large this prehistoric monster has become
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
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