The idea that we can control and regulate human behaviour by tweaking the chemistry of the body at genetic level using a whole substrata of toxic cocktails in the liquid that carries the vaccine is clearly the only direction that champions of a mechanical universe, in their present self-delusory state, can go. The mantra about ‘power over nature’ that has been injected into the public’s mental orifices for centuries by mainstream science and media cabals has inspired educationalists to devise a global agenda for getting the ‘science is our saviour’ mantra to the market as quickly as possible. And guess which organisations are in partnership with forums driving global objectives in controlling the platform for education across the world? Yep, you got it, the corporations that manufacture the equipment and software that enables partner corporations to have the most extraordinary power to gather deep and intrusive intelligence about every aspect of governance and manipulation so as to advance their economic and feudal expansion. Cabal science = culture of cabalism in the neo-lithic military industrial complex.
The vaccine issue is but a tip of the iceberg within the totalitarian ideology projected into the future by forward thinking cabals of highly advanced sciences. The top corporations that finance these cabals are using their ‘specialist’ expertise to facilitate and maintain their dominance in the global marketplace of food, labour, energy and raw materials, their total victory in economic warfare like in the blood letting arenas of Iraq and Afghanistan, and especially their integration with the military infrastructure of host nations - in which the use of the word ‘governance’ by the PR mandarins in Government has a somewhat ambiguous meaning full of contempt for the aspirations of a public that wants to see a ‘Government of the people by the people for the people’.
Science is not our saviour. Knowledge on its own does not provide a magical solution to the deeply divided personality of society and the divided self that contributes to sabre rattling national anthems out of its own traumatised and confused soul. Neither can it prevent tribal war narratives in media and education from aborting the foetus of selfhood before it can be born.
In the hands of people not yet born, science without a conscience has grown into a science of mass destruction in thought, word and deed. The writing is on the wall, ‘power over nature’ is just another way of saying ‘tyranny over self’.
To be born again in Christ is more than just mentally acknowledging a historical figure to imitate in some way, it means a total absorption of words that are in essence ‘spirit and life’ (as Jesus said of his words) that revolutionises the mind in thinking about ‘self’ and ‘selfhood’. Words make universes.
The man born to be the light of the world;
“I tell you the truth, no-one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit” “The kingdom of God is within you” “I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No-one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of Man who is in heaven.” “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.”
Why do the cabalists of esoteric science, the priesthood of occultism and symbol worship, have an unspoken likeness of mind in education, in the media and in the industry of hedonism, to trivialise and render impotent the words of Jesus Christ that reveal universal aspects of nihilism and untruthfulness in the conspiratorial way in which men of learning use their esoteric knowledge to oppress and enslave the rest of society? Mmm?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
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