Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Defence is attack and attack is defence

The business of defence is a business of attack; the two sides of one coin, each having a direct influence on the outcome and direction of the other. Pre-emptive attack is based on a classic argument in military theory, used by the authors of PNAC in 1997 and by William Kristol in the video Why We Fight, that if you see someone about to shoot someone else you take them out first. Typically, the Military Academy, develops this self-defence posture into a national defence posture using the same argument of a one to one threat. But, the idea expounded in military theory of broadening the one to one into defending a nation is completely and utterly flawed because it is based on social/economic/political theory specifically framed by a core section of the privilged class within a military industrial narrative of what constitutes a NATION. Furthermore, the fiasco of military endeavour is revealed when the same argument is used for the attack on the Twin Towers, that it was a justifiable pre-emptive attack in defence of military expansion into the Middle East posed by the US military regime in PNAC and by previous incursions into their area since the Dark Ages. The revolving door of attack and counter-attack and pre-emptive attack is less about defence but more about creating the conditions for the sustainability of a Western economy heavily dependent on war as a key to industrial and economic supremacy which is a condition that . The American citizen in particular, having been raised on the narrative of a gun culture, is vulnerable to accepting at face value the social theory put forward by their military gurus and it is this which forms part of its national consciousness which puts God at the top as the Most Holy Gun Slinger of the Universe. Of course I jest. The truth is more sickening. The American culture is but a spitting image of The Most Holy Gun Slinger culture created by sword wielding Royal families across Eurasia and elsewhere who also created wars in their restless search for accumulating wealth and power. By grabbing land and then renting it out to the defeated 'enemy' they formed city states which became States and Nations. Private militias over time became public armies but the core of command is still private. They too exploited their advantage over the common fighting man who had no comparable intelligence networks to refute the reasons given for war and, by throwing them into one battle after another primarily for the cause of expanding their own personal fortunes through land grabs and exchanging trophies of war, they fostered a European culture of greed and idolatry. They distributed the lands they conquered among a syphilitic inbreeding class of arrogant warrior prince and noble who then subjected the bulk of humanity to a servile cringing existence as their subjects, as servants of the ruling class, as cannon fodder. Greed and idolatry and manslaughter. Though indeed a sickening picture, a grim tale of soldiers fighting proxy wars under a false flag of comradeship and common purpose, the grim tale of sordid exploitation has already been judged by Jesus Christ whose words are always brought to bear on all the self proclaimed Lords and Princes who have buggered up the lives of trillions of souls. Read Jesus words and you will see how God proposes to bring justice to an unjust world The business of defence, like the business of war, is a LIE.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What is knowledge when it is hidden?

Watch this film NOW http://www.itv.com/itvplayer/video/?Filter=198443

John Pilger’s tenacity has paid off. After years of sticking to the principle of independent journalism, of not kowtowing to the culture of disinformation that pervades the press corps run by Government and Media spin doctors, John has attracted the attention of conscientious insiders prepared to spill the beans. The War You Don’t See shows that tenacity works.
The truth is now as clear as the unreported events surrounding the 9/11 incident. You have been lied to by those whom you trust to govern you and Her Majesty ought to be ashamed. However, it is incumbent upon any journalist to mention the other side of the coin vis a vis the surrender of diplomats to their 'honourable' role as gatekeepers of an ideological cause. It is probable that for ‘national security’ reasons the deceit was necessary to prevent disclosure of British Military Intelligence covert operations, which would have jeopardised the security, for example, of energy supplies to the UK for the foreseeable future? (For a glimpse of diplomatic intrigue and national intelligence read Deception by Adrian Levy & Catherine Scott-Clark)

Furthermore, ‘national security’ does not necessarily mean ‘for the benefit of the common man’. The security of specific economic stakeholders and major shareholders in Industry & Commerce is written into closed door policy making that is not always conducive to public good. War has always been concocted by a secret cabal of power brokers fighting over their enormous assets, land and capital, that they rent out or lend to the masses who for ages have used it to try and develop an economic order that eliminates the ungodly and unjust use of impoverishment and enslavement as their money making tool. The public have made little progress in this war on poverty because a hidden war is being waged on them by the rich who don’t want to let go of ill-gotten gains made by their ancestors. (For poverty and elitism read New Rulers of the World by John Pilger, Globalisation of Poverty by Chossudovsky)

Whilst major capitalist foundations, mostly dynastic, hide behind the Official Secrets Act that protects their activities from being scrutinized by the public, the idea of creating the social idyll always remains elusive, stretched out as one tediously long academic exercise like chewing gum.
What John Pilger has done throughout his career in TV journalism, I believe, is to gradually penetrate the heart of a political hinterland rife with shady diplomacy averse to common good, a ghostly Machiavellian State within a State, that we know exists like a Matrix. In this film he has pulled off a tour de force in investigative journalism that might not cause something as profound as the repentance of those who protest the Government’s truthfulness but may certainly breathe new life into the world-wide grass roots movement against archaic political systems.

Evidence of a Masonic type of secret power, necessarily for its own survival, can never be fully made known otherwise the entire edifice of authority and power will crumble very quickly. However, political intrigue and disinformation has never forced Mr Pilger to join the ranks of has been journalists who have prostituted themselves to the culture of deceit and propaganda in which the currency of exchange is to earn a comfortable life as a PR hack in exchange for political mutation.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cabal science, deep tyranny

The idea that we can control and regulate human behaviour by tweaking the chemistry of the body at genetic level using a whole substrata of toxic cocktails in the liquid that carries the vaccine is clearly the only direction that champions of a mechanical universe, in their present self-delusory state, can go. The mantra about ‘power over nature’ that has been injected into the public’s mental orifices for centuries by mainstream science and media cabals has inspired educationalists to devise a global agenda for getting the ‘science is our saviour’ mantra to the market as quickly as possible. And guess which organisations are in partnership with forums driving global objectives in controlling the platform for education across the world? Yep, you got it, the corporations that manufacture the equipment and software that enables partner corporations to have the most extraordinary power to gather deep and intrusive intelligence about every aspect of governance and manipulation so as to advance their economic and feudal expansion. Cabal science = culture of cabalism in the neo-lithic military industrial complex.
The vaccine issue is but a tip of the iceberg within the totalitarian ideology projected into the future by forward thinking cabals of highly advanced sciences. The top corporations that finance these cabals are using their ‘specialist’ expertise to facilitate and maintain their dominance in the global marketplace of food, labour, energy and raw materials, their total victory in economic warfare like in the blood letting arenas of Iraq and Afghanistan, and especially their integration with the military infrastructure of host nations - in which the use of the word ‘governance’ by the PR mandarins in Government has a somewhat ambiguous meaning full of contempt for the aspirations of a public that wants to see a ‘Government of the people by the people for the people’.
Science is not our saviour. Knowledge on its own does not provide a magical solution to the deeply divided personality of society and the divided self that contributes to sabre rattling national anthems out of its own traumatised and confused soul. Neither can it prevent tribal war narratives in media and education from aborting the foetus of selfhood before it can be born.
In the hands of people not yet born, science without a conscience has grown into a science of mass destruction in thought, word and deed. The writing is on the wall, ‘power over nature’ is just another way of saying ‘tyranny over self’.
To be born again in Christ is more than just mentally acknowledging a historical figure to imitate in some way, it means a total absorption of words that are in essence ‘spirit and life’ (as Jesus said of his words) that revolutionises the mind in thinking about ‘self’ and ‘selfhood’. Words make universes.

The man born to be the light of the world;
“I tell you the truth, no-one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit” “The kingdom of God is within you” “I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No-one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven - the Son of Man who is in heaven.” “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.”

Why do the cabalists of esoteric science, the priesthood of occultism and symbol worship, have an unspoken likeness of mind in education, in the media and in the industry of hedonism, to trivialise and render impotent the words of Jesus Christ that reveal universal aspects of nihilism and untruthfulness in the conspiratorial way in which men of learning use their esoteric knowledge to oppress and enslave the rest of society? Mmm?