Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Authority and Christ, the abuse of law

The reason for the emphasis on authority in relation to Jesus Christ is very clear in my mind on this blog but perhaps not clear for those who have some alternative ideas about how authority works in history.

The political driving force behind the rise and fall of civilisations centres on the use of authority and its usage relies on a strong legal narrative that imbues human will with god-like powers to decide who dies and who lives. ‘It is right that some should die for the benefit of the greater number,’ gives a flavour of the kind of reasoning that infects the political process of legally endorsing the authority of tribal or State violence.

Jesus Christ came to show that the authority of political systems relying on this kind of moral philosophy is responsible for inbreeding and multiplying the very attitudes and ideas that undermine its own survival.

The presence of war in the world is a testimony of the abject failure of the human will to exercise responsibility and care for itself and others. Sin is the cause. The solution is not within the grasp of any human power, whether or not regulated by law, for it is the law that divides the human will against itself by sanctifying the wholesale slaughter of its own kind. Regardless of the boasting rhetoric of high culture, the verbosity of academia that makes it all look so shiny and successful, the freak show of human power is but a glitch in eternity.

Authority is a serious problem for those who don’t understand its purpose and even many Christians have been sucked into the most common of all fallacies about secular authority being part of God’s rule and authority.

At the end of the day, there are two types of authority. One is man-made and it is about legalising evil. The other is CHRIST-made and it is about stripping the authority of those who believe they can legalise evil. The former is an aggressive authority that dominates by force and its three dimensional form restricts it to a finite history. The latter is a passive authority that dominates by meekness and its spiritual form goes well beyond the small-minded world of materialism. The weapon of the first type is a physical implement and the second type a spiritual implement that cause death and life respectively. The one personified as a murderer by Christ is the same one who tempted Him, with the small mindedness of materialism, to dump his spiritual power of obedience to the truth for the tantalising offer of earthly obedience to sneering lies and innuendo. War is a manifestation of the mind of satan that has inspired lies and murder since the beginning.

The question of authority is also a question about the nature and character of mankind therefore, which is answered by its long history of bloodshed, bloodshed caused by both religious and secular hierarchies sometimes working together, sometimes independently, but in a unified attitude toward the purpose of ‘authority’. The kingdoms they form, using geographical, economic, intellectual, ideological or national boundaries rely on authority in a brutish way and this way has no mandate from heaven – even if it were sought with loud prayers and fasting.

The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is an eternal Kingdom that does not advance by violent means other than by the spoken Word and by the Spirit of God who reveals the meaning of the spoken Word. The Word that became flesh and dwells among us today is able to teach their meanings to those whose sin has been removed. Words that are inherently inclined to violate the minds of those who rely on the mediating authority of their laws and conventions to justify their violence are still just words. If a knife or a gun, or a hanging rope or wooden cross, is all that underpins the authority of the human race to improve itself then I have pity for those who have lived their lives by such a loathsome understanding of authority.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christ wants to rule in the church first....

Postmodern skepticism among members of a large floating church would be overcome swiftly if church hierarchies disengage themselves from the blatant lie suggested by the canon that all the instances of the Old Testament portrayal of God is a true and accurate description of the nature and character of God. Until stubborn men and women within these hierarchies stop pushing an insulting theology of retrofitting the life of Christ like candy floss to a sinful scripture about killing and stoning people for their sin, the floating church of disillusioned and disappointed Christians will continue to drift around looking for the reality of Jesus in the church.
For over 33 years, in my journey through churches of all kinds, Anglican Charismatic, Pentecostal Free Church, Pentecostal House Churches, Evangelical Missions where I have prayed and worked with Spirit filled Christians I have had many confide in me their confusion about the nature and character of God that is linked with an uncertainty and wariness of the Old Testament being so closely unified with Christ.
Moreover, I have observed a general 'head in the sand' attitude by everyone toward the very very serious problem of Jesus being retrofitted to the Old Testament. 'Nasty stuff in the Old Testament but let's talk about Jesus today... .. and everything will be alright' typifies the way leaders opt out of facing up to the dire offence to Christ that the Old Testament causes by exisitng as Holy Writ. Everything will never be alright until the canonised appendage of sinner's lives, that suggests Jesus endorses everything they said and did when they used God's name, is weighed and tested at a judgement seat that has only One Person sitting on it.
It is time to stop this nonsense of trying to uphold a tradition of blending old and new wine into one Holy script simply because of its long history. It is time to accept that Constantine, favoured as a holy relic of Rome's hijack of the church, was nothing but a bloodlusting warrior whose dream about Jesus giving him victory in battle was nothing but a worship of the Roman god of war - Satan himself. The destroyer and liar from the beginning.
God has never instructed any man to kill his neighbour - this is a lie from the pit. Unless of course you live out of the Old Testament because, like Constantine, you believe Christ is a God of war and destruction.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thesis 153

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

The Bible answered, “You are right in saying the Bible is a king. In fact, for this reason it was born, and for this it came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to the Bible.” John 18v 37

Jesus is the shortcut to understanding the truth but the long route is paved with sinner’s thoughts and ideas; the source of much speculation and division. If you want a sound mind I recommend you feed on the mind of Christ only and NOT on the mind of men born in sin. Words canonised by miniscule councils in a miniscule region of time and space will no longer be of any use when Jesus’ words are all that remains after heaven and earth has passed away.

It is worth considering the Word that became flesh, and dwells among us today, was born by the Holy Spirit as sinless flesh that physically rose again BECAUSE Jesus was born with authority to raise Himself to life with these same sinless words. The voices in the Bible were NOT born by the Holy Spirit as sinless flesh but were inspired by God for the sole purpose of preparing the world to only feast on Jesus as the Truth; the effect of contentious voices in the Bible upon the spirit of men and women has been cataclysmic.

For Christians who are confused about the often dual personality of church dogma and of many believer’s often confused description of the nature and character of God, you might find it interesting to consider also that the reason for the confusion might be because the second hand breath of the spirit of man might not be as reliable a vehicle for portraying God’s character and nature as the first hand breath of God is that CAME FIRST when Jesus, as indivisible from the Father, breathed on Adam with words that told him to feed off His voice – the right tree/vine. Separation from God came into the world through Adam who gave equal credibility to the voice of a sinner, Satan, -the wrong tree/vine. Instead of listening to Jesus’ voice, whose words came first because they have always been reliably holy and true before the foundations of the world were laid, Adam, like Judas, listened to the sinner's voice as 'authority'.

We have inherited a Bible that demands we feed off the words of sinners. Don’t you think this is a bit of an insult to Jesus Christ who went to the extreme of debasing Himself on the cross to separate us from sin?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thesis 142

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."

Who then has given authority to a Bible that contradicts Jesus when it has already been given to Jesus before the Bible was constructed? Certainly not God. For, He has already given ALL authority to His Son before the world came into existence and in no place has He indicated there should be an authoirty of scripture appended to the authority of the Word that became flesh.

The Bible is an example of arrogant men usurping the pre-eminent role of Christ as King, Christ as Teacher, Christ as Saviour and Christ as the Canon.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thesis 141

The Old and New Testament splits the personality of God into two diametrically opposed testimonies.

On the one hand we have a testimony given to us by sinners of a warring God who instructs His creation to disobey His first commandment by striking down men, women and children in cold blood, which is a lie from the pit.

On the other hand we have a testimony given to us by a person who is not a sinner who has commanded us, on the pain of His own death on the cross as the Son, to obey the first commandment and NOT kill each other; not with the sword, nor with the words of sinners.

The split personality of God created by a man-made Bible will split the personality of those who worship it and they will become like the Pharisee who was utterely divided between the law and grace, but who eventually evoked the law to kill Jesus.

God does not have a split personality. His personality is Jesus; only Jesus Christ.

Thesis 140

"All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture".

The Bible gives canonical status to all who ever came before Jesus, whom He describes as thieves and robbers but the sheep didn't listen to the canon.
For centuries the church has been listening to the canon of thieves and robbers instead of obeying the plea of God to honour Christ and honour His words.
To honour the Bible is to dishonour the Son who died for the pre-eminence of His own voice.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Bible - a millstone placed on Christ's shoulders

It is hard not to feel pity for Christians after looking briefly at the historical development of orthodoxy in church life; of a community of people so disconnected from the author of their faith and so disjointed in their thinking about the essential character, will and mind of God, that whenever there is a ‘free’ discussion about the Lordship of Christ immediately one is overcome by the spiritual oppression of Rome.

Whatever Jesus came to do you can be certain that man has very studiously and busily made a very complex religion out of it since. The experience of God is a simple affair but immediately when the Romans got a sniff of people worshipping Jesus instead of their warring and angry God they applied the rules of faith like a tourniquet as soon as expediently possible, to stem the flow of Christ’s healing blood and congeal it with the doctrinal straightjacket of half-wits and Spiritless authoritarians. Rome had established itself with the iron foot of canonical authority long before the Gospel message penetrated the heartlands of their political influence, but when it did, they immediately set about transplanting their iron feet onto the ecclesiastical body of authority that was already clad with the clay feet of the Old Testament. Before the sapling church could grow in Christ they crushed it to death literally, spiritually, theologically, economically, ecclesiastically, with the wine press of a Roman way of thinking that was almost kith and kin to the Old Testament way of thinking. Jesus got dumped as the authoritative voice from Heaven the moment the Bible was compiled. Nice one Rome, but don’t think you can celebrate much longer.

As a result of fundamental errors in understanding the role and purpose of Christ the church suffered an early imprisonment to the thoughts and traditions of men instead of to the words and teachings of Christ. An imprisonment that expresses itself in the many denominations that have arisen since in which membership of a rigid formulaic system of belief is a prerequisite for acceptance, which is a process entailing attitudes and beliefs that are often at odds with its pioneering origins. Christ is sidelined, orthodoxy is rigidly imposed by an authority that Christ has not endorsed.

Not even Brian McLaren, writing in the parlance of next wave orthodoxy, under the title of ‘A Generous Orthodoxy’ could get his head around the source of the problem.

A problem it most certainly is. My contention is that the Bible is the problem. A book that presents Christ as a product of culture rather than One who brought the law in word and in the flesh that challenges the culture of men who came before and after Him. The Law, reflected by the Prophets who tried unsuccessfully to champion the Law, came as a living testimony of it, requesting politely that we listen to His voice and none other.

What the Romans did, by stuffing Jesus in the Bible, was to 1> Disobey Christ 2> Twist His words to mean something that He never intended.

The root problem of Christian theology is that it has been constructed using a bastardised foundation stone. Consequently the whole structure of Church life sits uncomfortably on top of a rubble of words canonised insolently by architects under Roman patronage who later enjoyed fiscal and political benefits connected with the anti-Christ like system of ecclesiastical authority and control. Their very actions demonstrated they didn’t have a clue what Jesus meant about Him being the cornerstone.

The word ‘Roman’ stands for the culture and ideas of a band of thugs who chucked out the Etruscans, who set up a dynasty in Rome, and then expanded by creating wars with its neighbours, then by writing laws and canons to subjugate their newly annexed lands, then by punishing recalcitrants who expressed a personal wish not to be collectivised or 'catholicised' by the State. This is a pattern that repeated itself in the administration and development of their bonehead ideas about a catholic church under the see of Rome. They hijacked Christian belief for their own egotistical purposes and chucked out Jesus as the Priest of His own church.

My advice to any believer who is confused about the way the Old Testament presents a testimony of God’s character that is wholly different to the testimony that Christ brought is to read very carefully ‘Beyond Christ Authority is Evil - 96 Theses’.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tract - Love rejected

The world is hostile to the revelation of Christ, without fully understanding why

The idea that God instructs His children to kill each other is based on a revelation of Him that later caused men to believe they were serving God when they killed Jesus. When He rose again, it was a vindication of the parable of the weeds and the wheat.

It is supplied as an A4 pdf file. Print both sides, cut to A5 and you should end up with 2 x 4pp A6 tract.

Sample text:
....by judicially killing fellow citizens in theatres of war. To teach our children the good principle of violence by lifting up murderers as heroes, not only gives society a worse prospect for peace but also encourages souls to choose being weeds’..

You can download this tract as a PDF from

Tract - State Ticket to Nowhere

State dogma is not necessarily the truth about life and death. Why put your trust in other people's imaginations when you can put your trust in a living God who rose again from the dead.

It is supplied as 2 A4 pdf files. Print the A4 sheet with side a and back it up with side b. Fold the sheet 3 times to form a 8 page A8 booklet. Staple along the fold and trim top and side.

Sample text:
...God has made himself known to the world with a testimony about himself from his own lips. There is no mystery about his appearance 2000 years ago, about our attempt to kill him which failed, and about his appearance in the age to come. What Jesus said about himself and his relationship with you is the truth that will stand forever and are based on words from a Creator who made us in his image and whose words can be trusted because they are not fickle, based on dreams like State dogma.

You can download side A as PDF from

You can download side B as PDF from

Tract - The Hypcrosy of War

This is a tract for those who are confused about people praying for soldiers at war.

It is supplied as 2 pdf files, side Aand side B of an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet A one side and B the other, then fold to form a 16pp A8 booklet, staple and trim.

Sample text:
....It is the sound of liturgy and doctrines that have been propping up the Church & State apparatus since the day when that diabolical Roman Emperor Constantine claimed his bloody military success was due to the prayers of Christians. In the coronation language of our first Saxon Kings who surrendered themselves to ceremonies devised by blind church leaders, the intoxicating wine of Old Testament thinking is served up in a liturgy that calls on Zadok no less.....

You can download side A as PDF from

You can download side B as PDF from

Tract - Future - a fantasy

This is a tract for those who complain when the future doesn't turn out as imagined

It is supplied as 2 pdf files, side A and side B of an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet A one side and B the other, then fold to form an 8pp A6 leaflet

Sample text:
....betrayed their writings as, at best, wish fulfillment, the root of wobbly theory. Their writings have been given canonical status in universities to ensure the world is taught from the perspective of an imagined authority or ‘rule of measurement’ based on a rag bag of scruffy ideas, wild speculations and wobbly theories. In a world that has no specific canon other than relativism in which the mysterious spectacle of an utopian future devoid of black and white, right and wrong, good and evil, is repeatedly referred to as concrete reality, the future could not be more grim. The legacy of their writings form the basis of today’s teaching establishments training children to believe in half-baked truths about a new world order controlled by people who believe they have emanated from chimpanzees

You can download side A as PDF from http://www.inteligent.co.uk/mag/files/8ppA6_future_a.PDF

You can download side B as PDF from

Tract - Why in God's name?

I explore the way 'civilised' people use God's name as a 'legal' basis to commit murder.

It is supplied as 2 pdf files, side A and side B of an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet A one side and B the other, then 'Z' fold to form a 6pp 1/3rd A4 leaflet

Sample text:
....Predatory institutions that inscribe the cult hero worship of mass destruction on the tombstones and war memorials of our national consciousness are no different from those that murder the innocent in war. The hero worship of mass destruction is most horrible. Doing horrible things to one another is not sanctioned by our hero worship nor is it officially justified by the ethics committee of the State who maintain our tombs and shrines of war.
The light of mankind is so darkened by shadows cast by the totem poles, sacred cows and marble altars that give tribute to people who have killed and maimed through the ages that it is not surprising the language of our art, education and politics has become so encrusted with the idea of killing each other that even Church leaders have succumbed to it..

Download Side A from http://www.inteligent.co.uk/mag/files/inGodsname_side A.PDF
Download Side A from http://www.inteligent.co.uk/mag/files/inGodsname_side B.PDF

Tract - To Kill with a Cause is to Deny God's Love

A little exploration of the way people responded to the life and love of Jesus that exposes the politics of hating God.

It is supplied as an A4 pdf file. Print both sides, cut to A5 and you should end up with 2 x 4pp A6 tract.

Sample text:
....Here’s the plot. Someone expresses love. Some of those present who saw it were angry, while others said nothing. Those that were angry needed to ‘justify’ their anger with a reference to the poor. In the case of Judas his anger translated into action. He later joined up with the religious hypocrites whom he knew were always plotting to kill the person the woman loved and he later helped them to kill Him. Judas knew too that he would be rewarded with money for his ‘good conscience’..

Download the tract from http://www.inteligent.co.uk/mag/files/deny.PDF

Tract - Certified as Living

When Jesus presented Moses and Elijah to the disciples it wasn't just to shake up there sense of reality but to show them that He certifies the living

It is supplied as 1 pdf file on an A4 sheet. Print the A4 sheet both sides, cut to A5, fold to form 2 x 4pp A6 tract.

Sample text:
...The truth is this. God came to us. He only needed to do it once. He told us everything there is to know about himself, about life beyond the grave.
You can either rely on the lips of men for knowing God, like the teachers did in the Old Testament days who got it completely wrong and ended up battering him to death. Or you can rely on God’s own lips for the truth.

Download the Tract from http://www.inteligent.co.uk/mag/files/certified.PDF . Sorry I can't give you a direct link, it doesn't work in this blog.

Sorry about the style of text but the html editor in this blog is unreliable

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Justice by those who hate Christ

Without there being a baseline against which all values are measured, judgement becomes an abstract word. If the baseline is the same for all justice then the judgement being meted out to Saddam Hussein for killing his own people should be equally employed against George Bush and Tony Blair for killing people in his country. The problem is that one side believes the Bible is inerrant and can be used to condemn ‘sinners’ to death whilst the other side believes the Koran is inerrant and can be used to condemn ‘infidels’ to their deaths. In each case, the words and imaginations of men, the father of lies, produce a situation of gross hypocrisy on both sides. And satan loves every minute of it.

Friday, August 24, 2007

How can the dead hear?

In response to one of those many emails I get from Malaysia or Nigeria trying to solicit money by false pretenses

Dear Amin
God knows what you are doing. He has already raised His first Son Jesus Christ from the dead to watch over all men until they eventually meet Him for an interview when they are all raised from the dead by Jesus' voice. The first Son is looking for others to follow Him. He has already found Moses and Elijah, and they have recognised Him as their Lord and Saviour, they have repented of their ways and now follow Christ..

Just as Jesus' raised Moses and Elijah in order to give the Jews a clear message about His authority over the dead and the living He will also raise you. Whether you die tomorrow or in fifty years, you will meet Jesus Christ in the same way as Lazarurs did who heard his voice while he was dead in his grave. And now the Muslims have become like the Jews, worshipping a God created in their own image after their own imagination.

How do you think the dead can hear Jesus' voice?

"I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man"

And don't think that I am talking about physical death. I am talking about those who are dead to God while they are living, who are spiritually cut off from His presence, which is a state of death that only the Son has the authority to change

"I tell you the truth, everyone who hears my word (singular) and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

Amin, have you crossed over from death into life yet? Have you understood that sinners and evil doers will have no place in God's kingdom?
Neither they that kill, that steal, that lie and cheat, that treat women badly. No 'Muslim', no 'Hindu', No 'Buddhist', No 'Spiritual Man', No 'Christian' has a place in God's kingdom without the blood of Christ washing away their sins first. Many call themselves by a religious name but this does not transfer a soul from death into life. A cultural name is just a cultural name. Sin is a condition that separates people from God and you can tell they are separated from the love of God by their actions. If George Bush confesses to be a Christian on one hand and then orders troops to kill his neighbours in another country he is separated from God, the Pope who might rule over the same destructive hierarchical powers as Bush is also separated from God. Bin Laden, who orders people to kill their neighbours is also separated from God. In fact any one who thinks he can earn a place in Heaven by killing another person is already dead to God. The only god who kills, destroys, steals, lies, hurts and cheats is satan. Satan inspired the Jews to kill their neighbours just as he inspires Christians and Muslims and Sikhs to kill their neighbours today. None of these people are alive to God, He considers such people who listen to satan as dead and cut off. Just as satan is dead and cut off from God so are those who listen to his lies.

Will you come to Christ today Amin? Will you let Christ come into your life and take away the sin that cuts you off from God? If you do Amin, I guarantee that God will make your life a temple for the Holy Spirit where He longs to live. God longs to live in the heart of man. He has no interest whatsoever to live in temples, buildings, cathedrals, mosques and pantheons. These are places where the dead worship dead idols.

You see Amin, once your sin has been removed by your confession of faith in what Christ as done for you, the chasm that separates you from God will be bridged by God's hand reaching out to you with an offer of membership of His Royal and Eternal Household of Children who are all made in the image of the first born Son Jesus Christ.

Will you consider your life in the light of the truth that Jesus brought? Or will you throw away God's gift of eternal life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The spirit that condemned Christ

I don’t know which is worse. Christians who repel other Christians as reprobates whom they superficially judge as needy of sanctions and exclusions to conform to their Old Testament view of ‘holiness’, or a nation judging another nation with phrases like ‘an axis of evil in need of a regime change’ or ‘Sadam Hussein was evil who needed to be wiped out’. Both positions reflect a narcissistic attitude that was endemic in the Jewish culture, which Christ has always been trying to put an end to once and for all.

God came to establish Christ as the ruler, the judge, the shepherd, the teacher, the pastor, the lover of men’s souls. God has never intended that man should sit on the throne of His will and execute it on His behalf as teacher, judge, leader and shepherd who lords it over others. This idea of men lording it over other men is totally alien to Christ, and therefore per se to God.

The Old Testament is a testimony of the ways and imaginations of a people caught up in a relationship with God who proved to be the hardest and most recalcitrant people to receive the truth that Jesus brought to them later in the flesh. Jesus had visited them many times before. The word of truth became flesh and dwelt among them in the form of individual characters who were occasionally inspired by the law when he came alive in their hearts to obey His command to love Him and their neighbours. Christ has always been the living law and the living grace.

Most of the time, however, they hated and destroyed their neighbours believing in a form of ‘holiness’ that was nothing to do with the ‘holiness’ that Jesus was trying to communicate to them. The idea that holiness is achieved by ridding the world of evil, first by ‘soft’ sanctions and exclusions and then by ‘hard ones’ completing the process of separation by social excommunication or by physical death, becomes demonic when men believe they possess the power of God to take the law into their own hands and become judge and executioner on His behalf. This kind of thinking and understanding that inspired these people to throw Jesus down the cliff, to conspire against Him as a social reprobate, to call him a blasphemer and an ‘evil doer’ and to eventually have their ‘holy’ way and crucify Him thinking they were doing God’s will, is a kind of thinking that has infected church life since the Romans retrofitted Christ to the Old Ways Of Men. Sadly, the Old Testament, in this context, is a lie from the pit. Suitable for Roman ideology of empirical rule by iron, by fist and by bloodshed and war but not for God – sorry. Nothing to do with God.

The bi-polar position of cutting off a member of God’s family as ‘evil’ and as a ‘reprobate’ or as a ‘blasphemer’ and of then testifying to the love and inclusivity of Christ is what signifies the contention between the Old and the New Testament, between a narcissistic deterministic soul and an effaceable passive one. The contention is resolved by the blood of Christ that reconciled ALL men and women to God. It is not the role of the church to judge who is failing and who isn’t but it is God’s command to nurture personal obedience by reinforcing TRUTH from Jesus not LIES from the pit.

Church life would be revolutionised if God’s people worshipped Christ instead of a book that suffocates Him.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Evolutionist mindset: a crisis of conscience

We can now watch man’s inhumanity towards man more or less as it happens. We can watch missiles and smart bombs raining down on our neighbours from the comfort of our living room and watch blood trickling from dead bodies that have just been torn apart by a suicide bomber. We can watch the drama of war as it unfolds after it has been ethically and politically sanitised for prime time family viewing on our news channels.
So familiar are we with the clever way in which life is realistically portrayed by actors and film-makers using the latest digital gadgetry we could be forgiven for watching real human tragedy as if it were entertainment. The thin line between reporting and entertainment becomes even more blurred when films portraying reporters reporting on war become so close to the real thing that it is almost impossible to tell the difference.
One of the most poignant and perhaps most devastating examples of inhumanity is the two atomic bombs dropped on innocent families by American aircrews over Japan in 1945. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were vaporised, that is, totally annihilated, by the Americans within a month of the first Atomic bomb being built. So much in a hurry were they to ‘test’ the power of their new technology that the aircrew were not entirely convinced their bomb load would perform as reliably as their superiors said it would. In the light of the story that was eventually given a viewing as a documentary over cable networks to the American public as late as 1999 one cannot find words to understand why successive Western leaders have committed themselves to inhumane atrocities ever since.
It is totally beyond all boundaries of reason and common sense, in the light of recent history, for any country in the post-modern era of the so-called ‘age of enlightenment’ – of rational thought that gave us the human renaissance in the 15th century – to engage in acts of brutality for the purpose of securing justice and democracy.

But reason and common sense are not naturally occurring human traits, they are learnt through the specific codified language of our education and our media. Here you will find the double-mindedness of people proudly calling themselves ‘academics’, whose absolutism is expressed in one column bleating on about the sanctity of life when a member of their own society is blown to bits by a ‘mad Islamic terrorist’ but readily defend in an adjacent column their absolutist moral justification for the brutality and murder of innocent families who are not members of their society. This kind of absolutism murdered Achan in the Bible.

Reading the front page of the Daily Express dated June 7th 1944, which I happened to find in the loft the other day, I couldn’t find a single word of disapproval for the amount of carnage going on in Europe at that time. In today’s papers the same community of double-minded journalists croon and whine about man’s inhumanity to man while supporting the principle of ‘self-defence’ in Iraq and Afghanistan. If for one moment in their lives they can’t make up their minds once and for all whether having a standing army to kill others on their behalf is not equally as repugnant as terrorists having a standing army of suicide bombers to kill others on their behalf then they should put down their quills and shut up. It’s simply no good one day writing columns that lend passive support to a killing machine because they wear British/UN/US uniforms labelling them as ‘defenders of democracy’ whilst on another, aggressively criticising a another group labelling them ‘terrorists, enemies of democracy’ because they wear a uniform/language/culture that is alien to our Western ones, without making any attempt to confront the problem of a cultural and national pathological disease defined as self-righteousness. No case would stand up in a court that argues for killing the innocent in order to combat evil but this is what schizophrenic journalism does in some quarters.

The same can be said of those who responded to the terrible slaughter in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the cry ‘foul’ in one breath and then, in another, type on their typewriter ‘it was a necessary evil’. It is not necessary to talk but it is necessary to do evil. In fact the ideology of war, fundamentally believing that slaughter is a necessary evil to save the world from evil, has proved in Europe to be the greatest cause of human suffering, but it is horribly presented to children in our schools as heroism worthy of honour and pride. Schizoids run amuck in our schools.

"It was to me the most horrendous, terrifying thing I had ever seen," camera operator Herbert Sussan, who's now deceased, said in a 1983 interview with the BBC. "I finally convinced myself and some of these people that there was some value for the rest of the people of the world to see what had happened in this first bombing."

McGovern and Sussan were two people who tried to gather original unseen footage connected with the slaughter in Japan but U.S. government officials at the time deemed it too sensitive to release and they confiscated black-and-white footage that a Japanese film crew shot before the Americans arrived. In the interview on the BBC they told their story how they managed to get their hands on the vital footage necessary to show the American people the part their country played in the massacre of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children. The production was shown nationwide 60 years on from the event. Such is the guilt of a nation that it should use officialdom to obfuscate and delay the making of an important documentary.

What they had hoped from this documentary was some kind of intellectual break through that would bring clarity of thinking to our paragons of Western culture, to our educationalists, our academics and our scholars, to perhaps help them deconstruct some of the Old Testament ideologies that have influenced the direction of our culture far too long. May be they thought that the footage would awaken deep compassion for fellow human beings among our educationalists whom they thought might respond by pushing harder for a curriculum that praised pacifism and scorned the traditional social practice of dressing up war memorials and of preserving weapons of mass destruction like trophies in museums and of celebrating the heroic acts of thugs on horseback and in tanks. Perhaps they even hoped for a total disarmament.

The educational aspect of denouncing vile weapons of mass destruction, of constructing a coherent case for the total disbandment of a standing military force and of presenting an intelligent alternative to the tripe about ‘noble bloodshed’ clearly remains an anathema to the machinery of State education. But that’s secularism for you.

The prognosis among those who discuss the issue of war in public and who watch fellow citizens proudly display their trophies of war on the internet; the US soldier his endless photos of bodies scorched by phosphur or torsos ripped apart by shells; the Terrorist his footage of decapitation and blindfolded journalists, is that the secular conscience is very sick indeed. By ‘human being’ I mean collectively the secular world that no longer has a conscience that can be trusted. Who knows what Christless powers will decide next, with their cauterised view of a species they foolishly believe has no loving Creator? Which community of people do you think is next on their agenda for being wasted as part of an over all strategy for blessing God’s planet with their constructivist demented Foucaultian view of what constitutes ‘civilisation’?

There’s going to be gnashing of teeth alright.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Military: a manifestation of ignorance

What our ancestors did in their time to earn the label Industrial Revolution and have it immortalised as a peer point of progress is no different to the rapid expansion of the rich and the rapid oppression of the poor in the current age. The only difference is the rhetoric. Today it is the spectre of Global Warming that is making the poor people suffer, yesterday it was the spectre of disease and before that it was the spectre of Lions roaming the streets of Rome.
The hyper activity of people pursuing fame, fortune and posterity has created first our cities, then our transport systems, then the means to mass production, then the global markets, then the global politics, then the science of control. All the while the gap between the rich and the poor has steadily widened; with magicians in the middle placating the conscience of the rich with data charts that show conclusively the poor need educating.
Hidden behind all this hustle and bustle is a militant spirit, an iron will to succeed, that needs to grab what it can on the pain of death before the doors close at some ill-defined spot in the future when all of life’s opportunities are lost forever.
The madness of busyness, of pursuing dreams about possessing an untold quantity of atoms and dust, has created a world system of aggressive opportunism and stultifyingly egocentric goals that is militarily political, militarily economic, militarily educational, militarily philosophical and, ergo, militarily cultural.
To convert dreams into reality, to bring into existence a future that you have imagined for yourself or for your community or for your nation, it is necessary to control those around you by insisting on their conformity and acquiescence to your will. The path of less resistance to realising your goal means anyone who gets in your way becomes an obstruction.
The engine of this very aggressive and egocentric human endeavour is fuelled by the belief that life on Earth is a temporary experience that needs to be filled with every possible sensation of happiness before it expires. The Industrial Revolution poignantly illustrates this point: that a belief system based on lies will always bear bad fruit. The bad fruit is war and the industry of war; the competitive, nihilistic, bombastic activity of one upmanship.
The reason for war is simple. Based on the belief that life is short, the whole of cultural development becomes a focussed activity of getting as much as it can out of this life before it disappears. Anyone who obstructs this development is going to experience the militant characteristic of the corporate will of the body politic that believes in this religion of materialism. A body politic that uses violence to move obstacles out of its way is nothing more than a glorified bully of the first order. A punch drunk bully that sees obstacles as an individual, a neighbour, another tribe or another nation. A militarily equipped culture is a culture of punch drunk bullies ready to oppress those who are unwilling to live a life that lines up with theirs.
A belief system like this therefore is the primary cause of war. It is why God came to us as a man in Christ Jesus to refute this belief system as an unworkable set of ideas, pointing out in a prophetic way the consequence of pursuing this kind of belief to its bitter end. In fact, rocket science is not required to understand what precisely will occur as a result of holding onto a belief system such as this. It is a belief system, a belief not a science, that states your origin is unknown but it conceals from you a hidden clause that also states, “Believe this if you want a restless life full of unfulfilled yearnings and dreams, always under siege from others who, like you, believe you must be moved out of the way as an obstacle to their ‘progress’ in life”
What is required is the Light to be switched on in the subterranean world of half-lit minds thrashing about in the darkness of a flesh centred existence and for that Light to shine in the darkness and overcome it. The Light already shows that salvation from war, mutilation and self-destruction is not achieved by combating it with war, mutilation and self-destruction. But those who persist in this way of the flesh will never know the Light. A closed mind is a mind with eyes shut wide that refuses to see the truth even when it barricades itself against the door. God tries to break through our stubborn unbelief so that we can be saved from destroying each other.
Jesus cried out aloud, “When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no-one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Making of a Recalcitrant Public

The Government's perception of the public will is based on a top down view of what is meant by the word ‘sovereignty’. The idea that a King or a Government had the sovereign right to rule with an autocratic system of direct control may have been the system since the age of primitive civilisations like the Romans but that fact that it still shapes how people in power today view the word ‘sovereignty’ makes our system look positively derelict.

I have heard politicians often repeat the axiom that the public need to be represented by politicians because of the gap of knowledge between what the politicians profess to know and what is available in the public domain. In other words, the only way the public can exercise their sovereign right to rule their own affairs is through the elliptical and sometimes very discursive top down prism of information the State presents to them via a system that still does not open it’s corridors of power to proper public scrutiny. (A reading of the transcript of Dr Kelly’s interview with the Parliamentary Scrutiny Committee concerning the affair embroiling the BBC journalist Andrew Gilligan and the Internal State Machinery of Security suggests that Parliament has severe limitations when it comes to actually practising the safeguarding principle of political representation.

The word ‘sovereignty’ in this context takes on a rather dubious meaning that describes a political system bearing the characteristics of an autocratic State in practise and a democratic system in theory and rhetoric only.

The Government’s perception of the public is always based on the presumption that their collective knowledge of prognostic and diagnostic data concerning the future security of the State is a collection that the public would quantitatively and philosophically endorse as their priority for agreeing or disagreeing with the policies that eventually crawls out of this data pool as the beast of ‘Government Directives’. This perception is born out of a historical view of the public as being the ‘rabble’ that needs to be managed and controlled in every way possible other than by referendum, which is a perception that underscores the obstinate resistance by Government to the DEMAND made by the PUBLIC over centuries for a radical change in the system of governance.

My feeling is that the longer the Government delays referendum politics the more ungovernable the citizens will become. The more the Medieval characteristics of cronyism and autocracy resist change the greater will the public psychosis of rejection and detachment build a deeper mistrust of their peers until the whole megalith, whether full of intrinsically good and well intentioned people or not, from the Tax Office down to the Local Planning Authority, becomes so fractured and dysfunctional it creates the poltical cradle for another authoritarian regime to be born. It is the viscious cycle of A RECALCITRANCE.

The IRAQ WAR is a classic symptom of this ISSUE that undermines the fundamental right of the PUBLIC BODY to choose their destiny. It will not be buried by other events, regardless whether the events are orchestrated by Government. Government ministers will be held to account when the public eventually will be forced to act against the Government, to register their contempt and disillusion, by being aggressive and non-compliant in the work place, in their relationship with the police who represent Government autocracy (in their eyes), in their dealings with all State run institutions and services, in their view of the press and media whom they regard has having close ties with the seat of power in Government.

All in all, the Government is ignoring the signs that will lead to a greater alienation of the public, perhaps in areas that the Rowntrees POWer Inquiry did not cover, and the ensuing gradual breakdown in authority and rule, as we have seen with youth descending into nihilism in recent years, will be a situation that the Government has brought upon itself by being arrogant, distant, and deliberately insulting public opinion with their twisted perception of the public will and intellect. Increased civil disobedience is inevitable.

The Pentagon may well think they have sufficient contingency plans for the economic fallout from global warming that is fore casted but I doubt their crowd control technology will be able to neuter hysteria quite on the scale they imagine, which is a contingency that the UK Government is most likely to imitate like everything else they have imitated since the last world war.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

My apologies, but Christ is all there is.

It is hard not to feel pity looking at the historical development of orthodoxy in church life; of a community of people so disconnected from the author of their faith and so disjointed in their thinking about the essential character, will and mind of God, that they spend more time ministering to each other’s hurts, suspicions and fears arising from doctrinal oppression through thought control than reaching out to a world that has not experienced the saving grace of God.
What Jesus tried to do was make the experience of God a simple affair but immediately when the Romans got a sniff of free thinking believers ‘following the Holy Spirit in an attitude of love’ they applied the rule of faith, the doctrinal straightjacket of half-wits, the rubber stamp of ecclesiastical authority, on a spiritual Kingdom that has no beginning, no middle and no end and certainly no master other than Jesus Christ.
As a result of fundamental errors in understanding the role and purpose of Christ in the world the life of the church suffered an early imprisonment to the thoughts and traditions of men instead of to the words and teachings of Christ. An imprisonment that expresses itself in the many denominations that have arisen since in which membership of a rigid formulaic system of belief, often at odds with its pioneering origins, is a prerequisite for acceptance. Christ is sidelined, orthodoxy is worshipped.
Not even Brian McLaren, writing in the parlance of next wave orthodoxy, under the title of ‘A Generous Orthodoxy’ could get his head around the source of the problem.
A problem it most certainly is. My contention is that the way the Bible has been presented by the Roman scholars as having contents entirely God breathed is a very serious indictment of all the Christ taught about the supremacy of His words. For example, a book that presents Christ as a product of culture rather than One who brought the law to bear upon human culture, is a book that mixes the humanism of unrenewed men together with the humanity of God that did not require renewal into one homogenous canon called the inerrant word of God. The inference is that the lives of sinners reflect the same truth as the life of One who knew no sin thus creating a testimony of man and of God on equal footing, which is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden.
The Law, that the Prophets tried to champion, came to us in the flesh as a living testimony of its perfect form who requested politely that we listen to His voice and none other.
By stuffing Jesus in the Bible in the careless way they have, the Romans 1> Disobeyed Christ 2> Then twisted His words to mean something that He never intended.
The root problem of Christian witness has been that the foundation stone upon which the whole building of the Kingdom of God, a spiritual Kingdom, was designed to stand has instead been laid on the rubble of other writings by Roman architects who by their actions demonstrated they didn’t have a clue what Jesus meant about the cornerstone.
The word ‘Roman’ stands for the culture and ideas of a band of lunatics who chucked out the Etruscans, who set up a dynasty in Rome, and who then expanded their economic and ideological hegemony by creating wars with their neighbours (in similar fashion to today's Globalisation of the American Culture) , then by writing laws and canons to which the then known world was forced to obey and to be collectivised into or suffer the label of heretic or enemy. (Sounds like the Bush speech, 'Either you're for us or against us'.) A pattern that repeated itself in the administration of the Christian belief that they hijacked for their own egotistical purposes.
My advice to any believer who is confused about the way the Old Testament presents a testimony of God’s character that is wholly different to the testimony that Christ brought is to read ‘The Bible that dethrones Christ and the Bible that doesn’t’. It is a book that will give you an invigorated view of what the axiom, 'Jesus is Lord over all things', means in reality and it will give you a clue why so many Christians, throughout the history of the church, have erroneously believed there is scriptural basis for embarking on bloody crusades against God's creation. Satan has duped many into forming false religions based on lies, of which perhaps the most extreme manifestation is the Illuminati whose adherents exhort each other to insult Christ by following a man-made orthodoxy that cannot distinguish the difference between Lucifer and God.

Monday, June 18, 2007

God does not inspire holy wars

I have always been perturbed by the cultural practise of getting rid of evil by murdering people and then using transfer ideology to replace murder with ‘justified killing’ as an explanation for evil actions. The complex ideas that support the transfer of meaning from one word to another to explain the difference between two kinds of murder very often calls upon an entity or truth that does not exist in reality.

For example, the idea that God instructs people to murder each other in order to get rid of evil, has no basis in truth. Its not that God doesn’t exist; it’s the warped view of God that for millenniums has been instituted by man as an orthodox religion. Nor does truth sound very convincing coming from the lips of lawyers and priests who deftly argue that it is OK to murder a few people if it benefits the greater number.

With regard to the divine inspiration for murder that people believe is holy and just I regret to say this does not stack up with the revelation of God that Jesus made fully known to the world two thousand years ago Jesus Christ repudiated the source of this abominable idea in the face of those around Him whose father He described as Satan, the murderer and liar from the beginning, who believed that the divine inspiration to murder people was the truth and with this truth they believed they had divine authority to devise every tactic to get rid of Jesus because they regarded Him as evil.

The idea then that Christians can wage holy wars or crusades against evil by murdering people does not come by inspiration of the Holy Spirit but by the inspiration of the evil one who has been doing this since the beginning of time.

Satan’s time has come to an end because his lies have now been exposed.

All things have been committed to me by my Father

“All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him”

The idea of knowing God by revelation is not new. It has served ancient people back in history since the beginning of time and, until Jesus came upon the scene, the reliability of the revelations about the form, character and will of God has been a somewhat contentious matter. Jesus showed to both the Galileans and the Samaritans that the conduit of the human spirit as a reliable source of knowledge was highly suspect.

For many cultures the greatest difficulty in defining who God is, in terms of specific attributes, is discerning precisely where the external nature and character of God begins and the internal projections of mankind’s imagination upon God ends. The less troublesome solution is the belief that God has no separateness but inhabits everything as an amorphous spirit devoid of a distinct and authoritative personality. Generally known as the pantheistic option it is the easiest to adopt because it requires no obedience to a higher moral authority even though it requires the ego to surrender itself to a higher consciousness of an impersonal being who/that is totally without shape, form, character, will or purpose other than being a large spiritual pool into which the collective human ego is dissolved. Cosmic consciousness does what it says on the tin, ‘Reduces the substance of God to a state of mind’

In a vacuum of identity the human spirit is capable of forming whatever picture of God suits it’s existential purpose in order to find meaning and identity beyond the material comfort of a short and meaningless existence. A myriad of words have been formally canonised by various cultures as reliable scriptures for defining who God is and a priesthood is officially delegated the responsibility of ensuring these canons are written into law and into death as the ultimate weapon of imposing conformity of thought and ideas. Both religion and philosophy have their guiding priests, whether by inspired unction or by scholarly regimes of truth, both roles are simple - to control.

Jesus comes along and turns the whole priesthood idea upside down by saying things that humans aren’t allowed to say. Doing away with priests as the vehicle of definition for the character and form of God he informs his listeners that the priest from heaven has arrived. Some took it rather well, except the priests, philosophers and lawyers. They were threatened by his outright challenge to their authority and they only wanted to see him dead as soon as possible. No man spoke like Jesus. None that have come before him nor none that have lived since can come anywhere near explaining the gravity of eternity. What compelled Jesus to speak in this manner is based on knowledge he brought with him as a person who has always existed. With this knowledge he came as the priest of a canon that is not written anywhere but in the mind of God who came as flesh to dwell among us. He referred to scriptures that his immediate hearers were familiar with and certainly he endorsed whatever agreed with his canon but whatever didn’t, he chucked into the bin. ‘You’ve heard it said, but I say to you this..’

But the priest reveals nothing without it being operated on by the Spirit of God. Jesus words meant absolutely nothing to the world that heard him then and to the world that hears the same words today there is no understanding without his Spirit revealing what the words mean. The few who understood in his time were those to whom the Spirit of God chose to reveal himself and this act of God hasn’t changed since the beginning.

In the next part I will explain exactly the reason why this revelatory understanding is necessary for a relationship with God and why the gnosis way, the way of acquiring knowledge by auditory synthesis without repentance, is an attitude that blocks the open communication channel between God and man. Predestination is a word for eternity that does not fully describe it’s prescient nature. When eternity speaks, it is with words impregnated with the fragility of the present.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The obsession with a linear existence

Atheists are obsessed with a starting point because without it there would be no progression from point zero toward a constructed world that can be boasted as entirely the product of man's efforts. For them, time has to be linear otherwise the efforts of the human species would be meaningless and it's constant struggle to shape a better future would be futile.
The alternative to a 'random' 'accidental' starting point in the formation of things is a Creator of some kind and so the question is more of a statement of belief than a rational question. It is not rational to have a starting point for existence because 'existence' by it's very nature can never be articulated as having no existence as its precursor. So the question will always be asked what came before the starting point and where did the energy come from to make the start? It is like trying to describe oblivion with words that bring into existence form and substance - the antithesis of 'nothing'. Therefore, belief in time as a linear phenomenom, has no rational basis and if the best it can come up with is the Big Bang Theory then it is probably worse than no theory at all! To describe the unknowable with such pedantic certainty, that relies on a false premise, is a sign of desparation - of clutching at straws in the face of such a marvelous and awesome creation!
What started the thing that came before the thing that ignited the other thing that created the 'spark' that fueled an explosion that flung endless galaxies into space? But what started the first thing? And, when you have worked out what started the first thing, you then have to go back a further step and ask the same question 'what started the thing that started the first thing?'
The problem is the question cannot be answered rationally and any answer has to rely on faith more than on reason, which places the person asking the question on equal footing with the believer in God who asks, 'How did God 'make' Himself'?
If only you would study Jesus' words, you'd understand eternity and how everything else perfectly fits into it.