Monday, May 12, 2008

A standing army is a denial of the love of God

Civilisations come and go like dust blown about by storms; their protagonists and players propelled by a tempest that rages in the human spirit causes them to construct a world full of contradictions.
One of the most contrary constructions that troubles as many people today as it did in Jesus’ time is the ability of modern ‘civilised nations’ to construct two diametrically opposed social and political narratives of belief and consensus each preserved by a legal framework that preserves its bi-polar state of existence.
The legal narrative of one nation will justify to its inhabitants the righteousness of sending a standing army to wipe out the inhabitants of another nation while the same narrative will justify to its tax payers a large annual disposal of their tax to fund ‘humanitarian’ aid toward rebuilding the infrastructure of the environment that the narrative had justified destroying earlier. The atheistic belief that an act of violence is reconciled by an act of kindness is the stupid religion of Secularists and the law they rely on to support actions that cancel each other out is a pitiful joke.
Many ordinary people cannot reconcile the two faced persona of the law. On the one hand it is required by the British constitution that the Lord Chief Justice comes out of his closet and pronounces the war on Iraqi citizens as legal as specified in the highly fabricated Iraq Dossier. On the other it is required by the same British constitution to have a social conscience that defends the ideals of its socialist ideology by maintaining a foreign policy of humanitarian aid to those stricken by the consequences of war.
For their part, the British Government employ the best PR people that money can buy, like well paid journalists and parliamentarians, to make sure the public is sufficiently conditioned by fear to except the legitimisation of a schismatic and duplicitous foreign policy. The media dutifully play their nationalistic role as channels for xenophobia by using just the right level of repetition concerning a state of war; like using a commemorative narrative that portrays past British acts of war as noble; like revisiting the site of a couple of bombings by flashing pictures on the screen nearly every month or so as if we have been bombed to bits for the last 3 years; like ramping up the proud tradition of fighting battles by giving inordinate airtime and prime news space to past heroes wearing medals and to young heroes from the Royal family fighting for the great British empire in Afghanistan; like rolling out a programme schedule on TV that ensures the British public gets a regular injection of wartime memorabilia into their psyche and emotions. This is pure adrenaline, a whipping up of a war consciousness stirred up by the raging human spirit full of contradictions. The public, for their part, soak up all the propaganda and emotive images of dead heroes, and become confused by the legalese of multi-culturalism and religious freedom which grates against the state of war and the spirit of xenophobia and the fear of the foreign menace in their midst. It is the confused philosophy of humanism that seeps through all the impalpable rhetoric.
The political tension created by two diametrically opposed social positions mediated by the law lords in Government is bad enough for any would-be political idealist who harps on about a cohesive policy toward social integration. But for the youngster it is very bad. Violence is seen as something legitimised by Parliament and this surely sends deep psychological signals to the young offender that his angry violence is perhaps justified also.
The British public is exposed regularly to the same handful of pictures rotated by the media showing acts of violence perpetrated against a handful of British citizens. By comparison the massive acts of violence perpetrated by British and American forces in Iraq since 2003 has been given little or no coverage by the same media. It is filtered out by the major Western news channels who control the newswire much to the annoyance and dismay of many journalists who have risked their lives getting the pictures. The British public has become as schizoid as its Government in its attitude toward foreigners. It’s OK to kill them far away under the banner of a Righteous Nation but it’s not OK to be killed by them when they retaliate with the same Righteousness.

But Jesus Christ will have all nations come before Him at the closing of our time, where His words will stand as promised to judge all nations. All men and women who have been involved in creating a violent social order, whether as a criminal syndicate, or as servants of a violent Machiavellian realm, will face the words that Jesus spoke and He will ask,

‘what did you do in response to my Word about the love of the Father? Did I instruct you to kill and murder each other in the name of industry, nation, empire and of icons representing your sense of supremacy? No. Then depart from me and go to the place prepared for the sons and daughters of the evil one.’

You can choose life today or keep your self to your self for a short time. Choose the One who has taken away the sins of the world and who has defeated the works of evil, even while the works continue to manifest themselves in the raging spirit of those who have rejected Him; from Cain to this day.
Don’t be fooled by the rationale of atheists; it is full of false justice and duplicitous reasoning. Come to Christ while you have a chance.