Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tract - To Kill with a Cause is to Deny God's Love

A little exploration of the way people responded to the life and love of Jesus that exposes the politics of hating God.

It is supplied as an A4 pdf file. Print both sides, cut to A5 and you should end up with 2 x 4pp A6 tract.

Sample text:
....Here’s the plot. Someone expresses love. Some of those present who saw it were angry, while others said nothing. Those that were angry needed to ‘justify’ their anger with a reference to the poor. In the case of Judas his anger translated into action. He later joined up with the religious hypocrites whom he knew were always plotting to kill the person the woman loved and he later helped them to kill Him. Judas knew too that he would be rewarded with money for his ‘good conscience’..

Download the tract from http://www.inteligent.co.uk/mag/files/deny.PDF

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